Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

God, I wish I could fully enjoy this.

... this framework is a vision...

Y’know... I’ve been so exhausted on occasion that I possibly could have been considered impaired on my drive home. Never did walk into the wrong apartment, though.

“They are wrong because - precisely because - they are not us.”

Somewhere in the administration is the poor soul who hit “Send” on this one, assuming they made a mistake on who got included in the distribution list. They are likely not long for the unemployment line due to monumental stupidity making Trump look bad.

I dunno... a couple of minutes with a flamethrower should do the trick. Cheap, quick, and simple.

“Your Honor, I only raped her maybe three times and only, like, raped her a little bit each time. It’s not like I really raped her at all. Yeah, I tied her down and threated her with a gun, but that was days before I raped her. Totally unrelated.

... and one is enough, thanks.

cause, you know, Jesus was huge on harassing people

It emphasizes basic decency...

... and then you’ll call it “Western Camoflage” and demand they be detained, searched, quarantined, imprisoned, deported, and shot - not necessarily in that order.

“Whatever This Is”

Welcome to the distinction between talking points and policy.

How does one hold both thoughts in their head without their brain exploding?

... made it clear she wanted to do something on the issue, but did not reveal a specific opinion.

Spoons to the death!!!

Oh, to be a fly on the wall....

Oh, for fuck sake... why not just award him one.

He is very loyal* to his people...

“Be Best” comes to the heart of “Zero Sum Game.”