Check the skin tone. Mystery solved.
Check the skin tone. Mystery solved.
a lot of low-wage employees don’t have access to credit cards and are living paycheck to paycheck
Exasperated Mom: “Little Timmy keeps throwing his mashed peas all over the room, splattering the wall, table, floor, ceiling, and family to no end. No matter how many mashed peas I give him, it’s always the same result.”
she says she spent all night reading the bible
You seriously need to take a look at stats from other developed nations that actually have gun control laws. Strange, exotic places like... Canada.
“He’s well within his authority...”
When they discover that my religion encoourages those of the faith to slaughter mercilessly those that discriminate....
He also warned that it would impact multiple states, including Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama.
They’re going to look at every issue. They’ll look at video game violence, music, social media, antifa, socialism, etc., etc., etc.
It’d be desperately funny if the child was black.
If one were to put 15 philosophers, 9 politicians, 7 Nobel Peace Prize winners, the Pope, Queen Elizabeth, the Aga Khan, the Dalai Lama in the same conference room to discuss solutions for peace in the Middle East, one might expect a protracted discussion but eventual progress. Now toss in a “leader” who is “in charge…
They always have time to administer care. One needs simply to remember that they only administer care to what they care about, and they certainly care far more about eliminating rights (and immigrants) than helping women - assaulted or otherwise.
Declaring a determination of evidence of a distinct lack of a “legal seeker of asylum” gene in any of the test subjects.
Nope! Doesn’t count. Those ones have already been born.
If anyone watching CNN still honestly considers a Trump campaign spokesperson a credible source then, well, they’ve been watching too much CNN Alt-Right propaganda, I guess.
I guess I’m wondering what strategy is being pursued here.
I would suggest hooking her brain up to a wood chipper... except that it already seems to have been the case.
1) Sincerely, thank you for your service.
You really, really don’t understand the British system of government.
Yup. Punched right through it, too. Not to worry, though, as we plugged it with a pencil eraser.