Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

Spot on.

Meh. I’d go with archery. Or javelin. So long as coach doesn’t assign him to being the catcher.

In Canada a lot of child hockey leagues have outright BANNED parents from attending games.

“We like kids that DON’T get laid out.”

... these systems are only good in perfect situations.

Tack on remuneration (in all its forms) for all management and I’m onboard.

I am pro-union. I am also anti-corruption.

An effigy worthy of being burned.

Firefox on laptop here. YMMV.

... full of poison pills...

The ads have gotten worse too.

So... comments about masculinity, virility, and impressiveness from this guy:

You’re conflating electoral college with democracy. Nobody is suggesting throwing out democracy.

Before or after it passes over Puerto Rico?

The G-7 was a great success for the USA and all. LameStream Media coverage bore NO relationship to what actually happened...

No bedbugs at Doral.

Some people say she and one of Trump’s bodyguards, in Trump Tower, have been a thing (and may still be a thing) even before he ran for president. Some also say she may now have a Secret Service stud on the side...

A short comparison:

This is our country, not theirs.

Would also have accepted 3/5ths.