It all makes sense if you just don’t think.
It all makes sense if you just don’t think.
That “dead horse” has run roughshod over the political landscape for far, far too long.
I’d be happier (slightly... minutely... happier) if they’d simply hire smarter people than that. I’m quietly confident such people exist.
They made him sit there while she “apologized”?
Misread D) as “Jesus is loose. RUN!” and thought it was both oddly specific and all too close to my own reaction.
I think I know someone who could make that happen.
One person’s bad behavior does NOT excuse someone else’s bad behavior. I graciously invite you to fuck entirely off.
They’ll let the black guy go...
Mitch McConnell with Nancy Pelosi abetting. Next question.
“Oh God yes Ivanka. Slather that suntan oil all over your glistening breasts. If you only knew that your daddy was watching every move you make.”
It really, really doesn’t matter how you sort, pigeonhole, sift, reorganize, filter or parse garbage. At the end of the day it’s all still just garbage.
Serenity prayer, Baby! “... and the wisdom to know the difference.”
... and his family and inner circle have to know it. But they seem to care more about wealth and power than they do his health...
I’m sure his narcissism prevents this but I really, really hope he feels nervous and stupid in these meetings.
I just hope I have enough marshmallows on hand for the Reichstag fire when it happens.
Y’know.... the Pentagon used to be refered to as a five sided monument to stupidity.
At no point did Plaintiff pose a threat to Officer Christopher Martinez or any other Fresno Police Department Officer. At no point did Plaintiff disobey any orders from the Fresno Police Department.
“Better kill him quick before the truth comes out.”
The new rule, which is subject to judicial approval before it is allowed to go into effect, would also see families detained together, and sets a degree of standards for their care.
Nah. Fuck these pricks with a live fragmentation grenade... sans pin.