Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

You’d be amazed at how many sociopaths and narcissists are out there.

The party of causing recessions. Blame will always be vomitted onto the Democrats who have to bring reason back to governance and fix that shit.

“Yes, we’ve hit an iceberg and are taking on a bit of water, but it should only be a minor inconvenience for a couple of hours.”

You’ve been watching mediocre horror shows, haven’t you. They’d be doing freaky shit before, during (particularly during) and after your demise, probably in front of a captive and unwilling audience... who are up next.

The concept is fairly simple.

No empathy, no sympathy, no sense of responsibility, no interest in even microscopic improvements, no recognition of the underlying causes, no willingness to or interest in change, and no understanding of the problem.

NASCAR, but with pickup trucks!

The spray tan hasn’t quite dried (caked?) yet.

The keynote speaker at E3 needs to hold up a copy of... Grand Theft Auto? Red Dead Redemption? Mortal Kombat?... and yell out, “From my cold, dead hands!!”

My 6th grade teacher used to jokingly threaten to beat us with a dead fish.

Well... on occasion he does seem to show his whole ass. (Warped and ignorant as it may be....)

pretending it’s all about freedom and rights.

It does make a difference. But there are an awful lot of dark closets on the internet.

Past evidence?

The roaches will simply find, or found, a new dark closet to congregate in.

President Dipshit McFucktard still doesn’t understand how tariffs work, eh? Qu’elle suprise.

We will stand by their side FOREVER!

his empty gun

The breakdown of the traditional American family (thank you, transgender, homosexual marriage, and drag queen advocates)

“In conclusion, America is a land of contrasts.”