Can’t help but think that one thing it will accomplish is to inform the bigots of exactly what other civil rights they could violate that they’ve missed out on so far.
Can’t help but think that one thing it will accomplish is to inform the bigots of exactly what other civil rights they could violate that they’ve missed out on so far.
At this point it seems like a few good apples spoiling the cesspool.
Not to worry. Somebody will be busy riling them if it’s not the NRA.
So... after a massive volley of gunfire from close proximity, they start yelling at... a corpse... to show its hands. Not one - NOT ONE - officer could break “formation” to open the door and check for signs of life. Not with the other officers all still covering or anything.
First off: thank you for your service.
Not every cop.
high fixing
I’ll never understand how the police only “fear for their lives”when it comes to Black people.
Common sense. Have you met any politicians lately? Common sense, in general, is not as common as were have been led to believe.
who would defend...
... and a ‘The South Will Rise Again’ tie pin.
Just checking for potential witnesses to any violations of his rights?
Yeah... but he’s black. Now if he were to have some kind of miraculous conversion to the Caucasian faith...?
Well, it’s not treason, though it is a breach of his oath of office.
He probably figured the lack of “mp” was merely a typo.
... that believe he’s a CIA plant too make legit conspiracy theorists look bad.
... so he “broke down mentally” and mistrusted everyone and everything.
So... Peter from “Office Space” prior to hypnosis? Sounds perfect.
People would say he was a caricature and too unrealistic.
penniless and in prison