Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

His millinery possessions have a remarkably high metal foil content.

His millinery possessions have a remarkably high metal foil content.

restored the voting rights of white felons but not felons of color

Wow. That is spectacularly dumb.

It is better to crash from the ground than from the air.

Sure, but wait a while first, ok? Carving into a fellow passenger before the emergency chutes deploy seems a bit rushed.

“Dumbest member of Congress”

Was I supposed to be shocked? Startled? Mildly surprised? ... Raise a single eyebrow?

I want the ultimate Democratic candidate for president to be eagerly endorsed by the ones who didn’t win.

Why do women strike? Because they still fucking well have to. That’s a tradgedy of epic proportions.

a shortage

Speaking truth to power. I think we could do with a whole lot more of that.

“It’s fine that their against anti-Semitism and all that, but why do they hate the Jews so much? ... ... ... What?... ... ... What do you mean?... ... ... Oh.” - DJT

Went from shovelling shit to actually swimming in the cess pit. Decided to take a short break before going back to simply shovelling shit.

Hunters: “That dog don’t hunt.”

“Why can’t we just be civil anymore”

Personally, I blame the pollsters for this oversight. “Random sample” my ass.

My approval rating is 100%, as found in a recent poll of people currently wearing my undies.

Well, sure, but are they still required to testify on the stand regarding their case?