Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

That’s... disturbing.

Not sure either of those are a negotiation.

... Don Jr. is just going to snap and beat Donald to death.

Go and watch “The Seduction of Joe Tynan” and it will slowly become clear.

... put it in a glass display case.

That tiger is defanged, declawed, hog-tied and has it’s nuts nailed to the ground.

Meh. He’s free to be wrong. We’re free to point out how wrong he is.

There’s a good reason the flight is far, far safer than the ride to and from the airport.

It looks like a Corvette that had an unfortunate encounter with a set of Ginsu knives. Or was rescued from a very large paper shredder.

I think people in general want to get paid for what they personally think they are worth not their actual work.

They want the ability to be able to secure a job.

What if no one tells Dumbald that he has veto power? He likely doesn’t remember it on his own.

To be (a smidge) fair, a current Fed chair has to be a bit more reserved (pardon the pun), or at least more circumspect, about what they say than a former chair. Admitting the President hasn’t got a fucking clue may be damaging to the economy as a whole - an irresponsible act, as Fed chair.

I have the distinct impression he himself has never negotiated a goddam thing.

Proposed plural nouns for Simcas:

... the only dictator he hates?

You are forgiven, my child. 3 Novenas and another try in 2020. Maybe a couple bottles of good scotch in the mean time. Go in peace.

... and if any other country even hinted at something evenly remotely like this with Trump as the implied target, that country would soon look like the moon’s surface and, coincidentally, glow in the dark.

And he’s the Commander in Chief.

That’s just run-of-the-mill shit. Wait for the brown blizzard to come.