... and if the president is serious about all of his claims about exoneration, then he should welcome the publication of this report.
... and if the president is serious about all of his claims about exoneration, then he should welcome the publication of this report.
Hire the poors?!? But... but... but... how will we laught at and otherwise oppress them if they have an opportunity to pull themselves up out of poverty? Surely, you jest!
Ding ding ding!!!
Oh, come now! They most certainly create jobs... when forced by investor expectations.
If he hadn’t added that we would all have been thinking “Obama” or “Bush” or even “Carter”. He was right to add that in the interest of narcissism clarity.
But to the individual who cannot afford an attorney, they are in the same situation today they were in two days ago.
Ah! That crystal clear sound: the ring of truth.
... except we haven’t found the dozens of endings where we all die yet.
Re: Pop Warner’s “threats”. EWW!!
What the fuck is wrong with people?
... even though the primaries will be a shit show...
So... the kid who did something so indefensible that the family hired a PR firm to hide behind... was libelled by WaPo’s reporting of what he did, as seen on multiple videos? How precious, delusional, and privileged of him to sue.
... his advisers — led by right-hand man Kevin Sheekey — are asking beneficiaries of his largesse if they’d be on board for his presidential bid...
Agreed, with the small exception of the body shaming part. Again.
Worst possible reading. Isn’t that what she was hired to do?
fatfuck needs to be kicked off the air for good.
Should. Totally should. Whether they will or not is completely unknown at this point.
Yeah... that sounds about right.
Should be. Won’t be, but should be.
What can I say? You’re right, of course, that we live in the real world. In America, the school-to-prison pipeline is a real thing. Up here in Canada, many schools have resource officers but the general attitude seems to be more Mountie than SWAT.