Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

It won’t impact me or anyone at the track...

And how long until Dumbald disavows any responsibility for his general egging on of this shit? “Enemy of the people” my ass.

He’s still in his first term but he’s past twenty weeks. Is that considered too late?

... should be deeply offensive to anyone with a brain.

Unless the last person he talks to says he should.

Bill de Blasio is considering running for President.

No. I’m saying that it took them a long, long time to get a stable product.

No belts, improper shoes, improper clothing, visor open (no eye protection), unsecured items dangling in the footwell, damaged rear wing still in use.... There’s plenty of dumb shit going on here.

Ah, yes, but will Trump veto it? If he does, will McConnell have the guts to override? I’m guessing no, but time will tell. Kellyanne Conway and/or Fox News will probably goad both of them to fucking this thing all up anyway.

They didn’t start out as such, though. Neither did Apple, nor Google, nor Amazon, etc., etc., etc.

Yep... right up until he wets his diaper over some other misperceived threat.

Is Cardi B available to do some dog walking?

Dear Virginia,

A “listening tour” wherein, apparently, we will be the ones expected to listen.

#1 You’re missing the point.

So... 30 years?

Of course there are. I’m not signing up for those either.

Note that Microsoft is not headquartered in Silicon Valley.

Look at Mr Optimistic over here.

2nd Gear: Toyota will sell a self-driving car in one year.