Ford Prefect

Trump shares so many personality traits and just...essence of something with my father. My father has bipolar disorder and narcisstic personality disorder. The impulsiveness, the insecurity covered by weird petty diversions, never sleeping, the delusions of grandeur, the weird half-finished sentences, they are so

Is that a still from the movie? Because he looks like he’s not sure if that thing he’s holding is a skinny feather duster or a really big Q-tip. Isn’t he supposed to be the king of kink or something?

I long for the heady days of Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen’s romantic chemistry.

Go Katy perry for seeming like a real decent human being.

I’m white enough to applaud when sizzling fajitas come to the table, but I agree with every part of this.

I’m not sure how to feel, yet, but one discomfiting thought that keeps coming back is how it feels kind of similar to how right leaning outlets would bring up pizzagate with a sorta “we just don’t know!” hands in the air routine.

No, bu I live in California (which is pretty ideal given the circumstances).

Serious journalist=must be ugly. Got it.

I’m sure the first few thousand choices were all born and bread

I was thinking Val Kilmer in Tombstone:

Don’t know if you are referring to the book or an actual purpose driven life, but pretty sure I don’t have either.

Don’t know if you are referring to the book or an actual purpose driven life, but pretty sure I don’t have either.

Well.  If you don’t start in the morning, you can’t drink all day.

I prefer my Irish coffee black, with no coffee.

As a recovering nice guy*, I’m going to offer you some advice...

While I feel your pain as an “average looking dude in a college town full of ripped male models,” I also think that exuding the kind of bitterness you seem to be during these comments can turn people right off. It’s okay to feel rejected. It’s not okay to wave the rejection flag and scream “women are terrible!” from

I’ll be that guy... the first movie released in the Star Wars franchise also didn’t have an episode number.

Christ almighty you’re an unnecessarily nasty person.

These kinds of articles that derive conclusions from studies that make no such conclusions drive me nuts. It seems to me that the study only supports the obvious conclusion that people that have more sex (and thus get more STIs) are also more likely to be the kind of people that shave their junk.

This should be an article about causation fallacy which, although addressed, does not exactly (<- comic understatement) match the headline or the lede

But is it not because they are more likely to be sexually active and/or open to new partners?