Ford Prefect

You’re sticking with that? I’m a genuine lifetime bicoastal. I’ve also lived in a few choice European cities. You want a vibrant city? You get traffic. You want a bucolic beach? You go 50- 60 minutes out of said city.

Oh, HamNo. You know that if someone offered you a position in Santa Monica or Venice, you’d be on the next plane to LA and never miss Brighton Beach. Not for one second.

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

Just when the world looks its darkest, I can at least smile knowing that every day I will learn of a new derogatory euphemism for Darth Cheeto.

And today, that euphemism is Dolt 45.

Oh, they’ll try. But here’s the difference between Stalin and Hitler and Trump. Stalin had to deal with Russians. Hitler had to deal with Germans. Trump has to deal with Americans.

It looks like some weird typing game that is nothing like the real crazy taxi. Get a dreamcast emulator. I use nullDC

Without Offspring the game just isn’t as good.

I was screaming in my mind, “DID SEGA SCREW UP CRAZY TAXI AGAIN?”

I thought the same thing. I’ve never felt older or poorer than I did when reading that line. My grade school had a “computer lab” full of these:

I’m confused, was there ever an OS X port? I played on Dreamcast:

That’s not the crazy taxi I remember...

That’s not Crazy Taxi

Can we shorten that to Trump vs. Intelligence? That would make me happy.

Now, how do you say, “Don’t kill me” in Russian? 

This is spot-on. SPOT FUCKING ON.

As someone that’s actually from Iceland I feel the urge to set a few things straight.