Ford Prefect

My Instagram feed is almost entirely underwater, surfing, nature and space pictures. It is sooooo soothing, for all the reasons outlined above.

Public computers at public libraries with only-used-to-leak Gmail accounts are pretty hard to check.

There needs to be a spoiler-free (or spoiler-lite) guide to the stuff not to miss in this game, so folks can make informed choices on the second go-round.

“Please and thank you” is a mannerly thing to say. Points for Jamaica if it’s common there, but it’s pretty common elsewhere, too.

Assuming people have to buy clothes at some point, is it not possible that some of the clothing choices would be more empowering than others?

As someone who loves his Pebble Time, I really hope there’s a Fitbit Pebble watch in the future. I originally got a Pebble with bonus money two years ago because, as I kept going up in price for Fitbits I was willing to consider in order to get more useful features, I quickly found myself realizing that a mere fitness

Two Steve Rogers existing at the end seems like the likeliest scenario to me.

Which DCEU trailer was good, other than the “Bohemian Rhapsody” Suicide Squad trailer? (And you could make Highlander 2 look good with “Bohemian Rhapsody,” so that doesn’t really count.)

“They” are not a monolith.

And no one, other than Judith Miller, is giving Judith Miller a break.

Plenty of good reporting was done, casting doubt in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq. If you didn’t read it, that’s not on them.

“If you stood next to them at a party you would be so bored.”

If you equate “journalism” with “writing pieces based on other people’s reporting,” yes.

This is not what “journalism” consists of outside the NYC contentplex.

I’ve gone to a warzone, been subtly and not-so-subtly threatened by mobsters, crooked cops and

I’m a trade-waiter and only get it in TPB form. Every time I start a new one, I remind myself “look, it’s been a while, you’re probably just building this book up too much in your mind.” And every time, I am blown away by how fucking good it is.

Their highly detailed street building sets definitely have this allure. I ponder buying “just one” and know that I’d soon have a room in the house devoted to a Lego city of my own.

Twenty-two people were injured in the attack in San Bernardino, although one didn’t come forward for several days after.

I vividly remember picking up Marvel’s great “Micronauts” in the grocery store as a kid. I suspect these digests are going to be a big hit.

They’re very ‘80s characters. They were good then — there was a long arc in “Spectacular Spider-Man” involving various mob bosses, the Punisher being on trial, etc., that they were involved in that I loved, back in the day — but it’s hard to imagine the pitch for them in 2012. Presumably someone else really liked them

“Our coastline is going to be among the first to vanish under the rising seas once Scott Pruitt gets to rolling back the already scant environmental protections aimed at ensuring my hypothetical children at least learn how to walk before the ocean swallows them whole.”

Well, our coastline will recede — to much more

If all you do is slice the chuck, it’s not much additional time, and it makes an enormous difference, IMO.

Bullshit reimaginings can take a break. (“Wicked” was actually pretty faithful to Baum’s books, just written for an adult audience.) Someone actually doing the Oz book (or Alice books, for that matter) straight, with no MGM or Disney influences, would be great.

Today’s CGI could do great things with Polychrome, the

It’s also worth mentioning that this won the Eisner Award. Not only is it an important comic book, it’s an incredibly well-done comic book. (The two don’t always go hand-in-hand.)

Supes is a mess right now, but he still can’t compete with Hawkman, Donna Troy or Power Girl.

Honestly, it’s hard to get invested with the Rebirth DC since it seems so obvious that we’re going to have another reboot at some point. Unless that seems like it’ll stick “indefinitely,” I may be done with them. I don’t care