didn't I read somewhere that they plead guilty to 'something' and spent some time in youth detention?
didn't I read somewhere that they plead guilty to 'something' and spent some time in youth detention?
"An average salary of $17.5 million, plus a full no-trade clause"
oh sweet jesus
it should have come right before shoestring
based on her father's quote...wouldn't say normal emotional upbringing was in the cards.
NFL and MLB fighting for the 55-80 white guy demographic as hard as possible
wait a second - a black guy jumping a fence is Boston is pissed the police didn't intervene...
uh...NASCAR...still going strong
"400 Bad Request"
yes - just like much of the other "problems" it is more related to the general "this helps people not eat too much". In the end it comes down to Output-Input regardless of anything else...just some people having 6 meals a day helps them avoid eating the whole can of pringles.
10 years ago he would have been back for the next quarter. 40 years ago they would have smelling salted him on the field and missed one mandatory play.
so if it weren't for the black gymnasts...she would have been ... 10th?!?
guess I will be burning my Team Edward shit now...unfuckingbelievable
completely agree - i forgot about that qualifier
you are right - I missed that critical piece.
sorry my original post was too vague lumping in all government - CDC is not food inspectors. By the time they are getting involved they are just trying to find someone to blame. For the most part the damage is done unless it is an ingredient (like the peanut outbreak) in longer lasting products.
I understand - but I always think when someone puts that qualifier it is because they still don't believe what they said was offensive...just that some people are clearly too sensitive. In my opinion, always better to admit what you said was offensive...period.
i am in Wisconsin - so
"apologizes to those offended"