
At least Jack Nicklaus had the decency to shit in the woods.

Now playing

Love a good old school athlete shit tale...

even though she knows there's no actual proof that the MMR vaccine causes autism, allergies or other diseases, "anecdotally," she's seen otherwise.

the minus is due to the fact that the paper was supposed to be about the Outkast song.

Ironically, this was composed in 5 minutes in the back of the team bus.

I heard they edited out the part where he rolls up to a big "CRIMEA" and moves the A to the front.

"His name was whited-out of the lineup."

We had a good laugh at the Russians when we saw this. Not so weird now, is it?

Tom, I'm afraid you've been hoodwinked: this is viral marketing for Bud Light Lime Straw-Ber-Rita.

nice try Mao...but you wouldn't need a prescription for that.

McQueary was taking the under on how long it would take Sandusky to get caught.

Good for Cortland for wanting a fresh start someplace else, but this isn't the first time a Finnegan decided to begin again.

McQueary did not tell the players who had abused him

I like the idea where you get 7 points but if you want the 8th you "go for two" and if you fail, you get 6 points

It seems like what you're ducking is that a gay man can be murdered by avowed homophobes, but that doesn't automatically make homophobia the primary motive for the homicide. So maybe the larger issue raised is this: Since so much mythology is invoked to impede the march toward full acceptance of gay people, is truth

I live in Fort Collins, CO and we obviously have a good deal of back and forth with our neighbors to the north and it is pretty much commonly accepted knowledge here that his death mostly had to do with drugs.
Which does not make it any less grotesque of a murder, and does not discount the fact that his death looking


Cosmic micro-food? Like star plankton?

Tim Marchman also listens to Creed because he knows that everyone hates Creed and that makes Tim Marchman love Creed.

This is a mother fucking troll job of the highest order. Why not put Jagged Metal Krusty-Os on the list? Or maybe one of those bagged Malt-O-Meal knockoffs? Or Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs? Ranking Grape Nuts 18 spots above Cinnamon Toast Crunch invalidates your list. Ranking Grape Nuts even one spot above a