
If you are going to a pot luck where everyone is expected to make a vegetarian gluten free are fucked. That is a sad sad pot luck.

that isn't my point at all - it isn't even that the inspectors are not valuable...the point is that the inspectors do not keep our food safe. Our food is safe because the pressure of the supply chain to have safe products far outweighs the impact of a government inspector.

oh yeah - like I could read anything past the point of trying to figure out who the patient was...

You greatly mis-understand what a food inspection accomplishes. The open market is what keeps you safe...not the government. The government is so late to the game it really doesn't matter.

are you making fun of Texas for being filled with slow people? well played

Sachin Tendulkar will be playing his last game...come watch! November 2-19!! Don't miss any of the action.

the are shrinking the play clock from 40 second to 35 seconds...oh thank god...they are really honing in on the problems associated with the pro bowl.

good lord people - it looks like a college/church mission group. The black guy is almost for sure the driver. They are most likely extremely grateful he is there to help.

these people didn't lose their jobs. It will be over soon. They are likely to get back pay. It is a temporary cash flow situation, so for some it will be tough because of that, but in the end it isn't going to be a devastating issue.

Miley has kept her 'antics' to mostly on stage and her show-biz side. Biebs has been exposed as the wildly spoiled brat because this stuff was never intended to be part of his image.

while no one 'cares'...millions are interested.

so why the concern with a cast in a night club? The obvious issue of gross people in close contact...or something else?

Can someone point me to where Alex claims he didn't juice with Biogenesis?

Agreed - no way the bitchy girls were ahead

I assume it gets pretty tiring being "that woman married to the guy who killed that kid"...especially if you don't get the glory from the gun crazies either

"You know the real reason my uncle was cut, don't you?"

One person had a knife and another a bat

I have August 11, 2015 for the pool of when Broussard is found with a young boy in a hotel room.

"Challenge: write about either woman's appearance without inducing knee jerk accusations of bodysnarking/thin shaming."

at least they aren't a bi-curious one armed nut allergy suffering AIDS patient...they have it way worse in Qatar