
yep - it is not a big deal where they are trying to create distance. All the softball players I know were completely cool with the large number of lesbian was just something they all did.

Nope - she has the ribbons in her is the not-so-secret way to say you are straight in women's softball.

the lighting makes Bill Cosby look practically white.

"there's not been a single major American outlet reporting it. Why?"

"Belen player allegedly pushed"

You could send your kids to a bullet ridden ghetto free-daycare and I am 100% convinced that a huge portion of the parents will be intolerable humans. Just need to wise up to that. Stay with the preppy suburban least their chance of avoid death and herpes will be higher.

quit bragging...bastard

while wearing baseball pants...makes sense. You know in case you need to make that great slide into third stretching out the gapper to right. In 15 years of fairly competitive slow pitch I never slid...not once. I gladly give myself up to the out if the ball gets there. Therefore I played in shorts...of course we had

he is viewed as uncoachable...seems pretty clear. O I C...its racist cuz he's black. Well played.

You seem to have nailed the two options — the only thing to keep in mind is that is also the parents highlight of the week (getting out in public).

Bottle opener

Any team with more then 2 guys wearing baseball pants can be counted on being a massive collections of douchebags.

you would think they would have measured better...then again pork belly is delicious so I can't blame the docs if they just didn't want to put it all on his foot.

but you are using a microwave aren't you...if you really cared about your child you would be heating it with only the warmth of the nature wanted.

are you heating those in a microwave? baby is screwed now...probably on a BPA filled plastic plate...murderer

home cooked pureed vegetables made for a baby are fucking gross too...

Wearing a tank top, little shorts, and fancy little shoes does NOT mean you are gay...

Jesus Christ...why not just stick a fork in your arm and avoid the frozen Yogurt if you have to put fruit on it.

could be Asian

Everyone needs to quit complaining about raisins in cookies...did you fail to see the mention of nuts in the cookie. Get your goddamn nuts out of my desserts. Nuts are great in a bowl or turned into spread. That's it.