
Not necessarily. My husband who is 12 years older actually had no job when we got married and I was the breadwinner. The boyfriend I dated before my husband was 8 years older and was a professional student. I've never dated anyone my own age. It really has nothing to do with financially relying on men, it has more to

Me! My husband is 12 years older than me. I don't think it's terribly common though.

Did the patriarchy give me OCD too? I shave as part of a cleanliness ritual/routine. I can't stand any form of body hair. I shave my arms, armpits, legs, pubic area, and wherever else hair decides to be. I've even shaved my own head before because I couldn't stand how dirty hair feels. Hell, sometimes my hair gets

Hey girl! Oh man, they've stepped up their game. Sometimes there are tons of them, and one group of them has an abortion car. No joke. Or maybe they'd foster a couple...ya know since the foster care system is bursting at the seems.

This is great! They all make the same contorted confused face!

The cities are liberal. The problem is though is the districts are gerrymandered all to hell. I live in Dayton which is very liberal, but our votes get roped in with the suburbs and rural communities and counties, so we often get conservative representatives.

Finally! I've been waiting for this to get covered! I'm a native Ohioan and all of this makes me want to vomit forever.

Seriously, it's not just the Ohio abortion bill, also the Ohio state budget. I keep wondering why Jezebel hasn't done a Roe V. World on it yet.

I'm very yellow and I just had lavender hair and it looked great! Try it, you never know.


Sorry, I was just maxing out my credit cards at Forever21. What did he say?

I feel really bad that she's getting all this unnecessary attention. I wouldn't want it. I hope that I'm never well known enough for some internet wizard to find all the things that aren't very kosher.

Well it's hard to say "Fuck it, I don't care what anyone thinks about blank" in general. I'm sure you can rock whatever is in those 3 closets (also, I'm jealous you have 3 closets. I have 2 closets and one of them is my floor.)

I hate this idea that women have to stop dressing in fun ways or stop wearing whatever they want when they get to be older. It's a way of body policing women. You no longer look like you're 16, so you're obviously past your expiration date, so no cute clothes for you! Oh you're 40? You better get a short hair cut and

These are capitol offenses and grounds for the death penalty in Ohio:

I think they are using that last charge as a way to perhaps give him the death penality. Rape, kidnapping, and assault aren't considered charges that can be sentenced with the death penalty in Ohio.

Gif party because I have no words that aren't obscenities!

These darn millenials are so entitled. They want internships that pay them money?

Is my eye supposed to twitch while I say it that way? ;)

I really can't get behind this whole "rando" thing. I understand abbreviating long words, but random is literally only one letter longer than rando. Bah humbug, get off my lawn.