
Amen to that! I am so very tired of Reagan and Reaganomics. Trickle down economics have been shown again and again not to work, and his so called "war on drugs" (read: "war on poor people") was/is a disaster and is part of the reason why our prison population is so large.

But no, I do not think all white guys are privilege terrorists trying to keep all women down.

What I'm trying to say here is I don't like sweeping generalizations. It's not like there aren't white male feminists who realize their privilege and are trying to change the system.

True. I'm just really trying to make a point that not all white men are intentionally trying to subjugate women. I used a bad example.

Yeah, there's that. But she's not helping with her all men are out to get me and subjugate me spiels.

I was wondering who ungreyed her. I've done this before with her, I really need to stop feeding her.

Oooh, is this a game where we make unfounded assumptions about each other?

Yes, we have a patriarchal society ran mostly by men. But as with most societies, the patriarchy has a hierarchy in place. Being white and male does not automatically put you at the top. You also have to be wealthy and able bodied, usually.

Nope, never said to pity white males. But not all white males have power and plan to subjugate you with it. This article isn't even about white males subjugating women with their power.

Hi. People like you are why the feminist cause has such a hard time getting male allies.

I don't know, some women are totally into the public proposal thing. Women have been taught that getting engaged is a Big Deal by TV and movies since birth. Some ladies kind of expect for their dude to put on a big show, and would be disappointed if there wasn't a show.

I'm sorry, I was making a bad joke about Texas being ass backward.

Texas has some pretty weird laws concerning property. So if a woman is raped can she legally shoot the guy for invading her property? Or does it have to her husband or father to shoot him?

I'm stuck in Ohio, haha. There is actually a crisis pregnancy center right across the street from the actual clinic. One my ex's used to work armed security at the clinic and told me that women would be late for their appointments all the time because they'd get roped in over there.

No, but I've seen them parked double at Meijer!

By judicial circuit, do you mean city, county, state?

There really isn't a foolproof way of determining virginity. Hymens can be really delicate and flimsy and can break from tampon usage or things like biking.

We have protesters like this at my school! We call them the quad gods and campus police don't do anything about them, despite the fact that they harass female students (myself included).

I live pretty close to an abortion clinic so I see this kind of behavior all the time. I drive by and the protesters have their 5 year old kids have fucking signs.