
It seems to me that he's extremely close to advocating for forced sterilization of the poor. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what came out of his mouth next.

Is that you, Humbert Humbert?

Well aren't you just a special little snowflake?

Not a bad person. My husband outweighs me by 5 pounds and he's nearly a foot taller. I'm pretty average and have incredibly muscular legs and he's really underweight because of a health issue he has. It makes me feel like I'm gigantic all the time though. :(

Somebody is chopping a million onions. I'm sobbing so hard right now not only because this couple is so sweet, but because my husband, although he's not perfect, would be like Jerry.

Now playing

I know this song is about football, but still!

I was just about to post this. I saw all the testicles and I was like " WASHINGTON WASHINGTON 6 FOOT TWENTY FUCKING KILLING FOR FUN."

Of course this would happen in Hamilton.

...Are you serious right now? Because when you have kids at home all day, the housework doesn't take an hour. It's never-ending. Oh you just vacuumed the carpets? Great time to smash food into it. Just got the kitchen cleaned up? Time to throw lunch all over the floor. Cleaned up all the toys? Scattered all over the

I get that. I just get tired of the idea that housework isn't work, especially since housework is usually delegated to women. It devalues the time and effort that goes into childcare, cooking, and cleaning because it doesn't earn a salary. Men who chose to stay at home with their children are not only given the

Also, the term is misleading. What mother doesn't work? Childcare, cooking, and cleaning are work. Just because it's not met with monetary gain does not mean any of these things are not work.

...are we facebook friends? I posted this a couple weeks ago!

"She folds clothes for a living. She doesn't do laundry at home."

I live in Dayton, but I'm up for a drive.

I don't think so, but it would be pretty easy to make.

If I have to deal with this guy as my governor and then as president, I'm going to have an aneurysm.

I'm so done with this state.

Some kid in the future isn't going to get to go to space because he wasn't genetically engineered like all the other kids. :(

Whatevs, I was rocking the half-shaved look and it was awesome.

o_O what in the hell? Who in the fuck would prescribe a potentially habit forming narcotic over low dose hormones? That doctor sounds terrible, I'm glad you found a new one.