More importantly: Who designed that dress? And why isn't it in my closet?
More importantly: Who designed that dress? And why isn't it in my closet?
A) How nice looking!
Nah, I needs ten so while 5 are sexing me the other 5 can be out growing cocaine.
Let's just say that book was rather badly researched. The geisha that the author interviewed and based the story on sued him for defamation and wrote her own book as a rebuttal (The Geisha of Gion).
I do not get the virgin thing.
All of the Targets I've been to have pretty big plus-size sections...Usually with cuter clothes than the other sections (in my opinion.) Other stores, however, need to follow suit.
Please be college. Please be college. Please be college.
This has always boggled my mind, that apparently fatphobia can trump capitalism. Because almost nothing trumps capitalism! There is fucking MONEY to be made in the fat fashion world, and making bigger sizes isn't exactly rocket science.
My theory, now that I've thought about it some: The cops took one look at the situation and 'pressed' charges so that they could get his crazy mother into a courtroom. Juvvie judges have an amazing amount of leeway when it comes to dealing with family matters.
You know what should be arrested? Those new "healthier" unfrosted pop tarts.
That guy's never going to live that down. That's what he'll be know for clear up until mankind is a dusty memory of a footnote.
Were they Frosted Cherry? If so, I don't blame her. Those are the best ones. Any other flavor (except maybe blueberry), he's welcome to them.
I know monogamy isn't perfect, but in my life (circumscribed, granted, by the same cultural conditioning I'm criticizing), it feels the least worst system. The worst form of joining messily and vulnerably with another person, except for all the others. That attitude in no way applies to all women, but I know I can't…
I generally respond badly to any innovation that can be summarised with 'Pill solves complex social problem.'
I'm convinced that anybody who thinks that women are naturally attuned to monogamy has never actually met one.
I totally buy the boredom idea. It makes sense.
This has nothing to do with the topic of the article, but I'll be damned if that first sentence doesn't reference Tamora Pierce's Alanna series. LINDY WEST BE MY BEST FRIEND I WANT VIOLET EYES TOO.
They finally figured out a way to make that show watchable.