I was rather charmed by the show, but I’ll watch Kristen Bell in anything.
I was rather charmed by the show, but I’ll watch Kristen Bell in anything.
7th Generation was always a greenwash job anyway. Dying your paper towel brown doesn’t make it any better for the environment.
Please stop interfering in our attempts to be offended on someone else’s behalf. If you keep this up, we’ll have to post something in the comments about how we were just “putting this out there” and you “shouldn’t read anything into” this.
Meyers puts all the Closer Look segments on YouTube by the next morning and they’re all I bother watching.
But poor people with gaming computers need games too! This is Overwatch for poor people. I am never going to be a box quote.
-254884% chance. This is very bad but hopefully most of her money is locked down in a way so that her gold digger husband won’t be able to touch it.
“We don’t want Megan Rapinoe to cause a scene, so we’re going to cause a scene.”
“No word on how Kate Moss took all of this.”
According to the AP, the initial blast “sounded like lightning”
In fugly as hell gladiator sandals. When did those come back in style, and who do I have to punish for it?
Each of these photos is hilarious if you replace the last noun in their inane commentary with “cocaine”:
That was my thought. He´s the one doing something cool, she´s just standing there like a dip.
I live a mile away from what has to be the most incredible Cinemark theatre in the country. I told both my kids to never give that company money again. Is the company responsible for what happened? Hell no. Are they responsible for how they reacted to lawsuits from shell shocked and grieving families? You bet. It’s…
The one I never got over was poor Donna :( she really got a raw deal in the end and she was my favorite. I think maybe because her plot line didn’t revolve around being in love with/fawning over the doctor
I definitely agree. I expect it will be staged more as a threesome.
plausible theory: they chose yvonne so the sex ritual would be ~sexier~.
Yeah - I’m olive - like, green green green olive. I hesitate to discuss my experience with foundation/concealer colors because I more or less read as white, or, as my dad and I have both experienced “people want to know if I am what they are”, so I’ve been asked if I’m: Greek, Spanish, Latina, Sri Lankan, Native…
So, according to this chart, cats are the cause of divorce.
The thing that bothers me is that her preferred pronunciation is not correct in German. It would be if it were spelled Streissand or Streißand, but it’s not, and I haven’t seen any indication of a change at Ellis Island or anything like that. Her grandparents were from a section of modern Poland that was part of the…
he’s like the cicadas. he has to come back every 17 years to haunt us for the summer and then he dies off again.