Sleep With the Fishies

I love that she walked up to the monastery wearing her “plumberess” cargo pants from version where her soulmate was a short dude. (Still my favorite Tahani torture.)

Plus the clothes are criminally hideous.

No need, the Navy’s stellar year in the news is plenty enough.

Disclaimer: 12 years Active Duty Navy service. So that’s (former) Petty Officer Dickhead to you.

Stacey Dash.

March to the Sea-hawks +1

Naturally, Sherman is quite good at burning bridges.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

It’s Kansas so it could just as easily been a thriving metropolis 6 years ago before Sam Brownback was elected governor.

Does your passport have a corkscrew, tweezers and a small knife?

That map is completely bullshit.

Michelle Obama is basically a real world Tami Taylor. I just want her to give me life advice, inspire me to do better, and have a glass of wine with me a few times a week.

Her heart is killing the Great Barrier Reef

She has a rare terminal condition related to overconsumption of zinc and will die soon?

Dropping the “ph” does make his name seem less basic.

Now playing

So...I don’t watch this baking show. But I do feel compelled to leave this classic Moss clip, which I feel describes the current election season and my response to it.

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

Instant Pot. Hands down. Ever since we got this thing our slow cooker has been obsolete.

Instant Pot. Hands down. Ever since we got this thing our slow cooker has been obsolete.

Please keep us updated in the coming months if, in fact, Jeff Goldblum remains 6 feet 4 inches tall.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Interesting read! I definitely did not expect this amount of Ariana stanning, I will say.