Sleep With the Fishies

We might have different definitions for “overact.” The birth scene was grade A cheese... though some of that might have been the dialogue.

Nope, not all vegan. Several of their products use honey and a few use eggs, dairy, or lanolin. The vegan products are pretty well marked, though.

You’re also firing his rockets during the ult, right?

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure fans, yo.

Olive tones are hard! And they’re really under recognized. I think a lot of people see themselves as a warm instead of olive, but when the right shade is too orange they decide they just need to go paler instead of less warm.

Ollie and Laurel were a serious case of #8 - leads with zero chemistry.

He wasn’t eligible, as it’s not a posthumous award.

“Clapping time? Okay. *clapclapclap*” Love.

A friend of mine dated someone on this show! She even had one of the follow-up episodes about her wedding. Note that I said “dated” not “was engaged to” or “married,” because I think her marriage lasted maaaybe six months?

Goddamn that woman loves a pearl necklace.

Plus, he gave all the kids Kindle Fires. Not too shabby.

My grandparents still have some from that era as well. The head fell off of one a few years ago, but my grandpa still dutifully sets out the corpse and head with all the rest of his friends around the mantel.

To be fair, the map also excludes two of the states.

I’m so confused by this pose. It’s very, “Okay, try to look like you’re standing from a squat and hold your dress out of the way like you were trying not to pee on it.”

I’d disagree with that. If you’re foraging, you’re not eating a ton of refined carbs, you’re eating lots of fiber and protein. And if you’re swinging in trees all day, you’re supporting just your body weight. Farm hands and lumberjacks build bulk because they’re eating giant meals and lifting heavy things all day. A

Your first mistake was hiding in the bathrooms, the second was walking around.

Major got a LOT more interesting once he started his bromance with Ravi. Before that, the audience had zero reason to understand why Liv was still pining after boring, vanilla Major - especially once Lowell showed up. But the way Major plays off Ravi? I kinda get it now. Or maybe it’s just that everything Ravi’s

Hmm. Maybe one of the variation spellings of Alicia, like Elicia? Man, Patricia is a tough one!

Are they remotely names that can be combined? Like Mary + Ann could become Marian? Might not be the classic names, but the families will probably be happy that you made the nod to the tradition.