Sleep With the Fishies

The only thing better than this article are the mansplainy comments. #blessyourheart

Because the sky belongs to a woman, obviously. It’s No Man’s Sky. Women are still eligible for sky ownership.

“The vast majority of tourists as it is have little respect for Japanese customs or laws, and are barely living up to their own nation’s civility while here. You are a guest in someone else’s home. Either respect it or leave. And come the summer of 2020, it’s going to be one hell of a circus of petty crime and civil

A bunch of people stand around the Mewtwo stand, frantically battling it.

Last I heard, he’s still in prison. He didn’t get out early due to his looks. He may get 15 minutes of fame when he gets out due to his looks, and I see no reason why an ex-felon shouldn’t have as much of a shot at a modeling career as anyone else.

I’m getting the feeling Will Arnett doesn’t have to work to hard to get into character when playing a total doucebag.

Geezalou in 3rd grade we played arctic wolf. We all ran around howling and mock sniffing/biting with the German girl as our trainer.

No, it doesn’t. Content-based speech restrictions are permitted in public schools for content that is disruptive to the learning environment. Kid couldn’t wear a KKK robe or jacket with profanity or gang iconography on it to school either.

Brace yourselves.

“got a nose job cause you were snorting too much cocaine and you burnt your nose out.”

It’s there because I put it there.

It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.

I am 92% positive these are the same person.


He probably just got an iPhone update on data instead of wifi.

Bubonic plague parties for kids.

Incidentally, “kid gloves”, also the name of the mittens from the children’s department that Donald Trump must buy to fit his tiny hands.

Not the first time some old dude got overly excited about a teenage girl’s jugs.

Claire Danes in LED Zac Posen is killing the theme!

This will be buried since I’m very late to the party.