Sleep With the Fishies

Yup! The second book features characters introduced in the first, but she does a great job summarizing the situation in a non info-dump manner. Plus, the heroine is a pirate airship captain with literal cat reflexes. It’s great fun.

Yup. Though thank the cover gods that the outrage over that one forced the publisher to change the cover image.

Try some Nalini Singh or Meljean Brook! They both write some seriously well-developed worlds that I find interesting enough even without all the romantic trappings.

I was beginning to worry you were me there for a second, but I went on my honeymoon afterwards. 8 minute ceremony for the win! Hilariously, the video of our ceremony has the videographer (sister’s boyfriend with a digital camera) going, “What, that’s it? 8 minutes! Awesome! ... oh, shit, I didn’t press the-”

Gah. You just reminded me of when she was in the relationship with Pastor Casey. He was funny! He was interested in the same pop culture stuff she was and understood her references! He helped her be a better person. I sometimes like aspects of the Mindy-Danny relationship, but even I have to admit that in comparison

Second only to Parks & Rec? Clearly, you need to start watching Brooklyn 99. I mean, I like the New Girl cast and all, but Brooklyn 99 has the best cast chemistry I’ve ever seen.

Gah, the moment they lost Peter as a cast regular is when things start going bad for me. They sorely missed his warmth and goofball attitude. Morgan and Reed are just caricatures at this point. I mean, remember the pilot when Reed was introduced as the sexy bad boy? I’m still not sure how he’s turned from that into

He also photoshops skin into plastic doll uncanny valley.

Psh, try an electric induction stove. Best of both worlds - ridiculously easy to clean, power of gas but without the risks. Only downside is having to buy the right sort of pans.

Gotta love the little feathered freaks. Mine is FASCINATED by the washer. It has a glass top, so he can watch the water pour in and the laundry move. It’s like birdie TV.

Nope, she actually did pluck them out. Per her memoir, Eileen Ford, the founder of Ford Models had Grace do it much like how Tyra Banks makes America’s Top Models to crazy-ass stuff during the makeover episode. Afterwards, they never grew back. You can look at some of her old modeling pics and see that they’re

I had a flower girl and ring bearer, but no maids/groomsmen. When pressed, I had two default answers:

I love that they even dug up a late 90’s dragon t-shirt for extra authenticity.

So has Beyoncé previously, and she’s done it better than this effort. She’s becoming a derivative of herself, which is getting boring. Just once, I’d like to see her show up to one of these in something ridiculous and costume-like.

Ha, I was just thinking about the CA-to-Seattle transplant trend. “It’s so green here! Everything is so relaxed! There’s so much water! I can walk to the bars! There’s mountains and water and boats!”

Uh, Seattle here. I wouldn’t say we’re tech starved. What sort of crappy rates are you talking about?

For you.

I was reading along with semi-interest, got to that point, and went “Oh nooooo....” As much as I’d want to support such a bill, EWG’s involvement makes me think it’ll be covered in bullshit.

The best barbeque in Seattle might be The BBQ Pit, but we’re an awful city for barbeque.

Taking carry on baggage with last boarding class? What flights are you using that the overhead isn’t already full by the time you get on?