Sleep With the Fishies

Which product are you using? If it’s Dip Brow, that has a nasty learning curve even for the most experienced makeup people. Brow Wiz is a bit more newbie friendly.

Incheon Airport - Unfortunately, most of the restaurants are outside security, but who cares, because Incheon is the BEST airport to have a long layover. Free showers. Hotel rooms inside of security available in 6-hour blocks. Great shopping. Yummy Curry King. Free arts & crafts projects. Watch a traditional music

His friends probably have run the Canadian National Anthem joke into the ground when you’re not around.

I was once in for a pap smear and my doctor was doing the standard, “You’ll feel a bit of discomfort, please don’t kick out or close your legs.” Exasperated, I snapped out, “You can clearly see that I get my pubic hair ripped out once a month with hot wax. I’m sure I’ll manage.”

I had a nurse one time who gave me a 10-minute lecture on the importance of sexual agency. Apparently she was raised Catholic and until she saw a Very Important Episode of Oprah at the age of 32, she felt too guilty to demand satisfaction.

I have an ex with ridiculous Snuffleupagus eyelashes. He used to pull them out because, “they get in my way.” Like... what?! Are you tripping over them? How is that even possible?!

Oh, Old Anita Blake. I remember reading the descriptions of her Fancy Dress Attire. Slit up to the thigh so she can wear a thigh holster! Jacket with formal dress so she can wear a sword down her back! Boo heels!

For Asian actors, they’ll probably go Jackie Chan or Cho Yun-Fat for the dad. They’re both recognizable names here and huge draws internationally - and Hollywood is VERY aware of how much money is to be made in China. Think of all the blockbusters in recent years that have had extra content just for Asian release.

I’d almost agree, but the girl they had play Cinderella wasn’t a household name at ALL. Sure, she did Downton Abbey, but only after it got bad and people stopped watching. That was about it for her big roles pre-Cinderella. The names were all the other roles - Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Stellan Skarsgard.

Right? The actress they picked for Cinderella wasn’t a household name. No reason they can’t do the same for Mulan.

It's quite likely! Carmine is a red, so I'm sure they use it in pink eyeshadow.

Carmine allergy? That's the usual purple shadow culprit. Brands often use a few different words for the dye, so the easiest way around it? Look for vegan makeup! Carmine is actually derived from insects, so if it's vegan, it's safe!

There's a biiig difference between wearing a blue-toned purple versus a more plum shade. Try something like Urban Decay's Rockstar liner. It's a brown-plum color that reads as a neutral. Here's a swatch with some other plum liners!

Caye Caulker? We were there for part of our honeymoon, too! It rained pretty heavily one of the two days we were there, not tropical storm levels, but most of the island shut down because it was, "too cold." My husband and I are from Seattle, so there was a lot of "lol, wut?"

Both are AMAZING.

That is a great idea - I'd especially love to see breakdowns of the cost. And maaaybe cheaper sleeping options that aren't hostels. I'm not in my 20s anymore, I'm getting too old for bunk beds.

And now I have to go read the Go Fug Yourself archive of posts about Jennifer Lopez to cope.

A few years ago, Givenchy and a couple other brands put out a product that created little clear bubbles at the ends of your lashes. I actually have a bottle - it was really awkward to use, because the brush was like a nail polish brush which made sizing difficult. Also, the "pearls" only dried into a kind of rubbery

I learned something new today! And gained a shit ton more respect for Elizabeth Taylor. I mean, I already respected her, but damn.

While I agree that many of the history of makeup articles neglect vast populations, I kinda feel like you missed the point about makeup trends in the era in question then being driven by the actresses and dancers - the later of whom would decidedly NOT be considered middle or upper class. Here's a lovely picture of