The Twins inhaled the Curse of the Bambino the very moment the Red Sox exorcised it. It’s the same curse! That’s just math.
The Twins inhaled the Curse of the Bambino the very moment the Red Sox exorcised it. It’s the same curse! That’s just math.
Definitely not “the first portable bidet.” Google ‘travel bidet’; for example. And why anyone would want to replace the easiest, most convenient technology imaginable — a squeeze bottle — with an electronic ass-rocket you have to recharge every three weeks is beyond me.
Definitely not “the first portable bidet.” Google ‘travel bidet’; for example. And why anyone would want to replace…
She might be right about sunscreen tho
Harpoon is employee-owned.
I don’t get how that’s a blindside hit. Wilson’s head is turned toward Reaves a split second before the hit — in fact it looks like Reaves is making his move while W’s facing him, then W whips his head away right before contact. It’s apparent in the gif.
How do feel about buying from employee-owned breweries? I almost always buy Harpoon beers, even though I have no idea whether the employees are treated any better than other breweries or if they have real equity in the enterprise. I’m afraid to do the research to find out, frankly, because I might be disillusioned.…
Please leave Rhode Island out of it. The five states that voted for an unrepresentative senate were CT, NC, MD, NJ and DE.
“I hope an alligator bites your damn leg off! This blog is over.”
I dunno. I’ve seen every Futurama episode, but not once with commercial interruptions. I think Groening & Co. get it.
The x-economy is destroying the livelihoods of y-workers is a feature of capitalism not a bug, comrades.
Silverman makes a good point though. The predators who deny everything continue their careers without a hitch, while the ones who admit wrongdoing are done. This dynamic rewards the worst of these creeps, and punishes the ones who might be worth saving.
Yeah Jimmy Carter has a lot to answer for. He ruined it for all ex-presidents by being a decent human being.
Hey Ms Nixon: There are nine states plus DC that have freed the cheeba, not eight.
Learning how to separate orgasm from ejaculation takes a lot of effort, determination, time, and practice.
“Some superintendents argued, incredibly, that they shouldn’t be expected to do less with more.”
You could have put the poop story under Fire This Asshole and no one would have been the wiser.