Are you sure? Because in the photograph he looks half-blown, at most.
Are you sure? Because in the photograph he looks half-blown, at most.
Or perhaps, some insisted, he suffered from mental illness.
Why does “silent guy who wheels around Mr. Potter” rank so high? Lurch watched old man Potter steal the cash and said nothing.
That’s not even in the top ten of rude ways to give a woman a dollar.
Moore’s star is rising; he used to pole in the teens
companion photograph
Maybe a lidle too soon for puns?
I polled my fellow male staff members
Someday — maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow — it will be possible to write an article about Didi without mentioning his predecessor at shortstop.
Elisabeth Cobbles-Ross
Puns are the lowest form of wit, basikelly.
“Wilson famously announced that he was refraining from premarital sex with his then-girlfriend, Ciara — required guests to sign nondisclosure agreements before entering his box at Mariners games.”
Austen (!) writes: “This isn’t allowed, but I went to New York once and I have learned how to be discrete.”
Without the IRS, the US would basically be Somalia. Is that what you want? To be Somalia?? Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, now that you bring it up. Certainly not as bad as what we got now anyways. I’m glad we had this talk.
I’ve seen the movie at least a half dozen times and I never noticed that in the baseball bat scene, everybody winces and turns way except Nitti. Nice.
I think he capped it with a limp 402-ft dong in the 7th.
“The Yanks are currently sixth in per-game attendance at 36,280. That ranking isn’t bad, but Yankee Stadium can fit around 52,000 people.”
A ‘90s reference + music isn’t really “humor,” it’s Seth MacFarlane.
Ya know, that 1994 game went only 8 1/2 innings. Last night’s 9-inning game had a faster pace.
How is a battleship a symbol of peace? I know it’s been used as a backdrop for peace treaty signings (or more accurately, codified terms of surrender), but other than that? Sean Hannity said so too, but I’m not getting it.