
According to her speech, she had a very successful legal career, beginning at Sidley & Austin, where she worked on marketing and intellectual property law. From there, she became an assistant to the mayor of Chicago and Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development, before becoming the Executive Director for the

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

I think Prince Albert would have left social media to the unwashed peasants.

One year when I was a young kid my dad, being an early riser, came pounding on our bedroom door saying we were going to be late for the bus. We all freaked out and ran downstairs. It was Saturday, April 1, and he had made pancakes. How is this hard, internet dipshits?

A relative of mine posted an article about how vaccines didn’t actually do anything to end the spread of disease, indoor plumbing was entirely responsible for that. I was like, plumbing was an important advancement, but so were vaccines. And she just would not trust any of the mountains of data that prove the efficacy

That’s the ‘right’ way to bribe your kid into college. Even the guy who did the scam with the celebrities admitted to it

You’re getting my old crap!

Ugh, Viggo also dropped an n-bomb super casual like in a press conference for the film.

Yes, in addition Dr. Shirley was alive when the son of the driver approached him about writing a script. And he said that he was not interested in it. The driver also only worked with him for about 8 months. If i was his family I would be upset about it as well.

I believe her father is a government official so pretty sure they’re both wealthy and well connected.

After everything that happened with Jamal Khashoggi and with how high profile Rahaf has become I wouldn’t be surprised if the Saudis might be willing to let things go without a fight this time for the sake of PR. It was one thing when the world didn’t know her name, it’s another thing entirely now.

I didn’t hold a party when I became invisible to men, but I should have.

I just moved for the third time in two years and every single time I’ve gotten rid of tons of stuff, and I still have way too much. Waaaay too much. But every time I do a purge there ends up being like, one item out of the 8,000 items that two months later I actually need and I’m furious, so it makes it so hard for

So she had only a single friend her whole life? And all of her current friends are famous women who she met in the last 10 years. Her very best friend is an annoying stylist in Toronto who she met 7 years ago (who’s married to an equally annoying celebrity interviewer/tv host that’s the son of our former PM, and is

Until you go to war with each other. That happened to me and because we knew everything about each other it was beyond a nuclear takedown. Our friendship died on that battlefield

Which is weird, because my dad has an obvious physical disability and walks with a limp at all times and airport employees basically couldn’t care less. He’s gotten yelled at by the TSA for having the audacity to lean somewhere to put his shoes on because he literally can’t walk without them.

People are just dumb about disabilities. I got into an argument with someone on Facebook who was insisting that deaf people weren’t allowed to drive or ride motorcycles.

It seems that “wheelchair” is the go-to airport mode for any sort of physical challenge. The same thing happened when a deaf friend requested a guide.

It is so common for people to over-generalize disability like this. My sister has impaired mobility and sometimes needs to use a wheelchair. When she’s in a wheelchair and we go somewhere together, people will often speak to me instead of her (for instance, waiters asking me what she wants to order). They assume that

yes. I was gonna say: this pretty much illustrates how this country understands and respects “disabilities”, which is to say it doesn’t. and it’s fucking infuriating.