
I think it’s because she is getting really, really thin - much thinner than she was at the wedding, let alone in her 20s. It’s kind of shocking when the camera catches her straight on instead of at an angle. Hopefully the weight loss is not from a serious health condition or eating disorder. Women who lose that much

It’s amazing how complete Catherine’s control over her image has been since she married William. Not only has she not had a single scandal besides that early topless photo, she never seems to have a hair out of place or an opinion of her own. Her friends, if she has any, don’t talk. Everything she does outside of her

To be fair, I don’t think it would be an advantage to be smart or dashing as the younger son. Better to be boring and dull with few thoughts of your own. No one wants the younger son to be independent or outshine the elder. See: Harry.

I best friend is married with two kids and in a poly relationship. She went into early menopause in her late 30s. She is definitely having sex regularly (not that I like to speculate on my friends’ sex lives...eww). I have gone (happily) for years between relationships and had no sex. Still seem to be the

They really can’t give up being “royal.”  Even if Elizabeth rescinds their HRH status (which I doubt), people all over the world will still call them a prince and princess and fall all over themselves when they walk in the room.  There is some hope that by the time Archie is an adult people will have lost interest

Kate had a hard time in the beginning too. “Waity Katy” and all the risqué pictures.  It’s taken years of stoical silence, never saying anything remotely interesting or controversial, and slowly lowering her hemlines while getting thinner and thinner for her to get positive press.  

It’s messed up, but I actually give Queen Elizabeth a lot of credit for supporting the marriage in the first place. She could have delayed or even prevented it, but she actually went out of her way to show public support to Meg and apparently spent a lot of private time with her too. She took her one-on-one on a very

The first time I flew to France by myself I was 15. I was trying to sleep when they turned the lights down in the cabin. A man in his 60s approached and asked if he could sit next to me. I was a kid and he was an adult, so I didn’t think I could object. I thought it was weird...who wants to change seats in the middle

I know nothing about guns and have only fired one a few times, with reluctance, in target shooting. Even I can tell in that photo that Don Jr. doesn’t know how to handle a gun.  

If these outfits were on the clearance rack at Ross, we would think they were hideous. What is it about the designer name that convinces people to wear clothes that are incredibly unflattering and ugly?

I love how she includes “literature.” She and Arthur Miller had that in common. Monroe might have had a very different life if she were born 50 years later.

This is why I grow my own lettuce and other greens in raised planters.  It may not be cost effective, but I’m sure what I eat is safe and nutrious. I know other people don’t have the climate (CA) or the space. If you can’t grow your own, try a local organic farm or farmer’s market that sells from small farms. 

I have a cattle mix rescue too. I had no idea when I adopted her as a tiny puppy that she would need to run for at least 2 hours a day! Also, her preference is to stay glued to my side at all times unless she is chasing squirrels or humping young male dogs (don’t judge). Running is the best therapy for these dogs.

The investiture hat is so brilliant. It looks like a padded sports helmet. Totally appropriate to the occasion. No thought given to vanity. Elizabeth was going in to bang some skulls and get her son anointed. Honestly, I think Elizabeth is the best dressed of all the royals. She does not mess around with fashion - it

Honestly, Emma just needs a better wardrobe. The poorly cut dress and visible panty line is doing nothing for her. Better cut clothes with color, a haircut, and a “fuck off” attitude will do wonders for Emma.

The reporter is a guy, if you couldn’t tell by the ecstatic worship of his marine corp shenanigans. It’s pretty weird for a millennial who appeared on Girls not to be familiar with the very basic terms of gender studies. 

She may be a sociopath. I hope she suffers greatly for what she did. But I have issues with the legal precedent of convicting someone for writing. I worry this could be twisted in the future. Let’s say abortion become illegal (quite possible) and someone encourages a woman to have an abortion in writing. Or just

Kelly, I’m not sure why but a couple of months ago my account suddenly went into the grey. I can’t comment anymore. I was working a lot and not commenting for about a month and then poof! Into the grey. I used to comment on your posts. Any way you can verify my account? Or if not, maybe it’s for the best as you

Either he was paid for this deal or they had something on him for blackmail purposes.  If I was an investigative reporter, I’d do some digging to see if he bought a new house or paid down some loans around this time.  Something isn’t right...

Dr. Riesman requires payment of about $300/ hr up front.  CC accepted.