
Quick correction from a history degree here. Edward wasn’t banished from England because of his love for Wallis. It was because during World War 2 the British government found out he was secretly feeding information on the war effort to the Nazis from his post in France. Churchill actually wanted him arrested for

Well Katie will be waiting a while yet - there is a lot of longevity in that family so Charles could hang around for years to come. Although I must say that every picture that I see of him, he is an alarming shade of red.

If you read the passages from the book that Milan cites, the passages are objectively racist — and, at a minimum, stereotypical. Claims of immersing oneself into a culture does not protect/prevent you from writing something racist. Racism does not need to be intentional to be racist.

Exactly, Harry was demoted each time his brother had another child. People think Harry is important because he used to be important, but he’s not 6th on the list. Charles has repeatedly said he will be going with a slimmed down monarchy and that is already in play with the exile of Andrew and the limited number of

Upset is a little strong, more like rolling my eyes at it. Everyone knows what the reality is going to be, but they way they’ve released their press statements with words like “financially independent” and “chance to earn a professional income”, they make it sound like they are striking out on their own and going to

Oh puh-leeze. I don’t like hearing the sound of my own voice reciting the specials over and over at my waitressing job but I get over it because I need to pay my bills and I definitely don’t make the kind of money Driver does. If he didn't want to do the interview circuit, he didn't have to be in a freaking Star Wars

Little Women is one of those things I KNOW is peak white person and I maybe shouldn’t like or be able to relate at all, but it’s been one of my Favourites since I was old enough to read it and I watch every adaptation I can get my hands on, including the Broadway musical, the YouTube web series where they’re modern

Rich people: they struggle to find seating for their children and thus stick them in the back of a station wagon while sitting on the ground just like us!

I doubt Dr. Reisman accepts insurance.

I find it incredibly realistic that there would only be one therapist in Monterey who is (a) covered by their insurance and (b) accepting new patients.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from wealthy, powerful white men, there’s one thing they cannot stand: public shame.

Uggggh. The judge’s words and attitude are atrocious and disgusting. We absolutely should take this crime seriously and whether or not he might get into a “good college” is completely irrelevant.

I mean why shouldn’t a gossip columnist shit on an actual journalist who has been on the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan reporting along with tragedies such as the Pulse Shooting, the Haitian Earthquakes and the devastation in Puerto Rico? Along with being a Peabody, Emmy and Cronkite award recipient?

I completely agree and that’s what’s been making me cringe when I see him getting attacked for being old and out of touch. I don’t think he’s racist, misogynistic or homophobic. I think his moment to be president has passed. There’s a lot of nostalgia attached to him because of the Obama/Biden years and some of that

Exactly. Does anybody really think their grandparents should be in charge of their business?

OMG this. My parents, bless them, are liberal, Trump-hating progressives who are in their 80's and have some rather “quaint” views on minorities and gays. They 100% mean well but jeez don’t put them on a national stage ffs.

Trade you for my racist homophobe parents...

I have to agree. I was edgy in the 80's and 90's, now I’m trailing behind the pack. When you’re old enough to have grandkids, you’re old enough to no longer be on the current edge of culture, and you should look to those very same kids for the status updates you need to stay relevant.

I love quaint British shows! However, i think something is wrong with me. I can handle “humans in jeopardy” but absolutely cannot handle “animals in jeopardy”.  I must just be a horrible human.  Not sure i can add this to my list if i am going to be shown sick or dying animals :(

This is so true. I live in a city where every second woman has Botox, huge pumped up lips and huge false eyelashes. It makes everyone look so so much older than they are. I've always been able to pass for several years younger than I am but have noticed in the past few years that I get older and the age people think I