
“I’ve had to explain to first generation students that a PhD in Philosophy from a 70th ranked program is not necessarily a pathway to success”

Depending on the state, K-12 can be a realistic possibility or out of the question. Getting certified to teach K-12 can often mean additional coursework or even degrees. The real shame here is that most of these people were badly advised early on, lied to about job prospects. Left out of the article is that the

You nailed what I was trying to say in another post. I will acknowledge that giving up on your dreams is emotionally difficult. Plus, as someone going through a PhD program now (thankfully one that I can choose practice/application rather than academia), I can’t imagine how prone you are to the sunk-cost fallacy after

A thousand times this. I can’t remember the percentage, but I read an article (Chronicle of Higher Ed maybe?) I remember it was some crazy high number (like 90+%) of published papers came from like seven schools. Marketplace of ideas my ass.

You touched on something that is super important and rarely talked about. Namely, don’t bother getting your PhD unless you’re going ivy league. That’s a shitty and cynical outlook, but it’s completely accurate. The people who manage to get those rare tenure-track jobs tend to be from Princeton, Yale, Stanford, et al. 

I’m at a big state school and seeing the parade of disappointed PhD’s cycle back into my office at Career Services is so depressing. They get sold a bill of goods by people (most often Boomers) who have done really well with the current system. I’m sure they mean well when they are encouraging bright young people to

This was basically my experience. In the last year of my PhD program I started to see the writing on the wall — friends who had graduated several years before me and were bouncing around with adjunct positions, and the fact that I was applying for tenure-track positions with 250 other people for a single position,

I don’t know how I feel about this.

Sure, she is very brave, but let’s remember that her Rapist Brock Turner can’t even enjoy a steak anymore since he became a rapist. He worked so hard at swimming to lose it all for just 20 minutes of raping action. 

My husband comes from a #catsjustneedtoroam background (Europe) - and he almost had me convinced. So we let fully clawed, black Cat out and he didn’t come home and after an hour I didn’t trust it and ran out looking for him.

Ugh, 1970's: when harvest gold or avocado was your big appliance decision in the kitchen. They were such on trend colors, compared to baby blue, pink and yellow from the 60's.

Macaques are very intelligent creatures. Off the top of my head while teaching in Delhi:

The kids clothes for ‘formal’/official outings have always looked, as one person commented with Prince George, like the ghosts of children who died in the Blitz. The theory being put out that if they dress them like little 1940s dolls, when they are out and about with nanny or whomever, they are are dressed like

I wish I could do this at the salon. 

I cannot believe there have been this many stories published about what boils down to two people arguing over gummy vitamins. 

Run, Anita, Run.

See now, I don’t think William feels he ‘settled’ for Kate, she is so perfect for him/the job it’s like she’s been grown in a lab. I think he loves her and feels grateful for her. Something I’ve learned (from my family which includes generations of unfaithful British men and the various women that love and leave them,

I don’t see that Harry is acting any differently than Charles’s siblings did. The major difference is that there are ONLY two children. Anne specifically distanced herself from the spotlight while maintaining royal duties (charity sponsorship etc.), and I think Anne’s a favorite of Harry’s. He’s probably just trying

As a Canadian, I always say, I love the British monarchy because without them, I’d be French.

Okay so the reason why I hear the frostiness between Harry and William is at least according to some word from some distant relatives who live in Kensington is that William had an affair with one of Kate’s buddies, the girl wasn’t smart enough to keep her mouth shut about it, word got to Harry, Harry confronted