
That and the idea that if a grandmother files suit for custody (because reasons) she will clearly get it and the mom should be very afraid. We’re told that this is true “because it is California.” The therapist and the lawyer tell Celeste to give up partial custody.  Total BS.  No way a wealthy woman loses custody

Maybe they aren’t keep it a musical because it makes it harder to dub and they are counting on big sales in China?  Just a thought...

Could there be security concerns with naming the godparents? I can fully see the tabloid press hounding godparents for years to try to get details about the kids’ lives.  Or making some big scandal out of a godparent’s divorce.  I don’t really see why that info should be public.  It’s a private family matter,

That 13 year old boy showed remarkable presence of mind and also care for his sister.  His parents should be proud.  And I’m horrified that he had to go through this experience.  


Do your parents “not see race?”  Do they “not care if someone is black, white, purple?”  I wince, but what can you do?  I’m just glad they’re going into retirement and not being recorded.  

Biden is just like my parents, who are 70. They were radicals in the late 60s and 70s, but now they come off as tone deaf at best on a lot of issues. Time to retire, Joe.

USC is a private university. It’s not part of the UC system (UCLA, UC Berkeley etc). Yeah, it’s second tier to the ivies or Stanford. I would put it on par with NYU.

If Louis is gay, he’ll be fine with his money and privilege. He’s third in line, so who really cares? He will suffer from the tabloid coverage, but hopefully overcome it. If future King George is gay, all hell will break loose. His life really will be hellish be tabloid coverage and public discussion of his future

I can’t imagine sleeping through landing and deplaning.  I wonder if she’d taken sleeping pills?  I’ve heard of people who tried sleeping pills to get through a long flight and then the flight attendants couldn’t wake them up.  

When I was a PhD student at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, they threw me in a classroom with no training. No one ever came to check on me. I taught fully independent seminars and no one in the university had any idea what I was doing. I wrote the syllabus, ordered the books, taught the

She was a frazzled middle-aged woman with a poof of frizzy hair.”

That’s nice to hear.  In my field in the humanities it’s a racket.  If you don’t go to a top university and have a famous mentor, you won’t get a job.  I guess it’s possible some people are getting community college jobs out of smaller or less prestigious programs, but that isn’t what they are advertising.  No one

Good for you. I also jumped ship because I saw that the best people in my program were getting jobs in places I didn’t want to live. It broke my heart to see people bounce around from one poorly paid “visiting” position to another or adjuncting for years. It was like they had blinders on and couldn’t see what

Yeah, I came here to comment that a huge part of the problem is that universities churn out PhDs who will never get an academic job. It really bothered me when I was a grad student to run into other young people at conferences who were getting PhDs at regional universities. I knew and their professors knew that they

Do NOT get a PhD unless it fully funded at one of the top programs in the country - Ivy league or the premiere public universities. Even people with PhDs at Harvard or Berkeley will struggle to get a full time job. Regional universities do a huge disservice to students by granting PhDs and implying that students will

I can beat that.  My stove is over 100 years old and still works great.  Hold onto them long enough and they will also become valuable collectors pieces.  I can guarantee my stove from the 1910s will outlive me.  Nothing other than a bomb could destroy it. 

And I guarantee that the only thing these kids will remember of these amazing cultural “curated” experiences is jumping on the beds and petting a stray cat. We weren’t wealthy, but traveled a lot when I was a kid. The only thing I remember of a 2 week vacation in Korea is playing with another kid in the tiny hotel

Do you offer an add-on of “running through the sprinklers in your underwear?”  

Or at Trader Joe’s. What management idiot trained the cashiers to ask everyone about their weekend or evening plans? I do not want to talk about anything but the weather with a total stranger during the 5 minutes it takes to pack up my groceries and pay. It is intrusive. I am always tempted to make up some crazy