
I used to participate in Jezebel a lot. Then I got quite busy with life and work and stopped for a few months. When I came back I found that I’m back in the grey. Do you lose your ability to comment if you don’t keep up? Has this happened to anyone else? I enjoy this community, but I guess I’ll quit if I can’t

I lived in Japan for a few years and it’s an amazing place to travel, but August is godawful hot and humid. How about Mongolia? My mom (who is awesome and adventurous) went on a tour in Mongolia that involved horses and yurts. It may have been with G Travel. You would need to go with a group because of logistics.

Absolutely. I just went through some difficult health issues and surgeries with my parents and the nurses were amazing. Interestingly, they were almost all men from the Philippines. Knowledgeable, compassionate, professional. I cannot say enough good things about the nurses. The doctors came and went at totally

Mountbatten is the name of Phillip’s uncle, Louis Mountbatten. Phillip was a Greek prince, but he had to give up his foreign title to marry Elizabeth and he took the last name of his uncle, who had orchestrated the match. Charles was quite close to Louis Mountbatten, who was killed by an IRA bomb. That’s why

It probably has to do with how Princess Anne refused titles for her kids. Harry is close to his cousins, apparently, and Zara Tindall talks about how she was really glad not to have a title growing up. Harry had to become a Duke in order to give Meghan a title of her own, which was important because of how the press

I agree except I think it would be really hard to be a girl in this family.  You’re in the spotlight constantly and followed by the press all your life.  It’s no wonder Diana (and maybe Kate) developed eating disorders.  Think of how cruel the press was to the princesses Eugenie and Beatrice at the royal wedding.  I

In my ideal world, she’d be on the Supreme Court.  But I don’t expect her to run. The woman has been through so much.  I hope she gets to go on a cruise with Oprah and Michelle Obama or something. 

Honestly, William couldn’t have picked a better wife for the role, though. She’s tall, thin, beautiful, and extremely quiet. She had 3 kids right away. Her public image is impeccable.  Does she have any opinions? Who knows. She seems totally willing to just wear conservatively nice clothes and cut ribbons. He

I don’t think there is any walking away from this. They pretty much need 24/7 professional security for themselves and their kids. Even with a few millions, that’s impossible to afford. Imagine how much it costs just to secure their home. There is no way for them to prevent paparazzi from intruding without security

This makes a whole lot more sense than the idea that William was upset that Harry was marrying Meghan and she ruined their relationship. The brothers were noticeably warm towards each other in the events leading up to and surrounding the wedding. They did all those events together as a foursome promoting their future

They matter in terms of money. These kids will have substantial financial support all their lives. They also need Meghan and her children to renounce their American citizenship or the IRS will end up owning some of the Royal Family’s wealth.  Which will be kind of funny and ironic considering the history...

there is a book in this comment.  Or a screenplay. 

haha!  That one came up with my crazy anti-vax relatives too.  I didn’t even bother trying to explain why the existence of sewers doesn’t disprove that vaccines are helpful.  

And it’s not just that they aren’t rich, they aren’t in the club and don’t know how the game is played. Someone who is already part of the wealthy establishment would be able to give their kid legacy status and have a vast network of buddies who were also high contributing donors and on the board of the university.

Funny enough, Lauren Sanchez is a year older(49) than Mackenzie Bezos (48). It doesn’t quite fit that narrative of a man going after a much younger woman. Personally I think Mackenzie is more beautiful, but perhaps the attraction was something else entirely.

Well if Meghan does have a boy it’ll make it easier because he will automatically be a Marquis and eventually inherit his father’s title as Duke. A girl will be stuck with the unexciting title “lady” for life. The horror. Unless Harry request that Elizabeth II make them princes and princesses. (I’m guessing he

I knew it. My supposedly liberal but somewhat racist uncle kept posting the letter this kid supposedly wrote about the incident as “proof” of how the whole thing was taken out of context. “Look at how reasonable and articulate this young man is! The media misjudged him!”  I read it and, as someone who works with

Do it! I hastily packed in order to move out of the country for a few years. I threw a lot of stuff away then, but I ran out of time and just stuffed most things in boxes.  When I opened the boxes 3 years later, I was shocked and appalled to see what I had paid to have transported and stored. Rusty pans? Check.

I wish a responsible filmmaker would make a movie about Shirley.  He sounds like a really interesting person.  It’s hard to sort out the truth in this situation.  

I feel sorry for Ali because he probably doesn’t get a lot of good scripts. I understand why he took it. He needs a better agent and PR person to research the projects he signs on to.  People on his team should be fired.