
Not exactly the same, but similar to Elena and Lila, I had a female friendship (from the ages of 12-18) that was big and tumultuous, bordering on toxic and fully informed my development as a person. We had high highs and dark lows; she would go after the boys who I was interested in and we were endlessly jealous of

I agree with mostly everything, except for criticism of the ee cummings aided affair or the rest of “Hannah and Her Sisters”. That was a pretty great movie.

Accurate. I am guessing you may have had a spell of pointedly writing in lowercase as well.

I took him so seriously when I was in high school and will likely always have a soft spot for Annie Hall, but I often think now about the line he has about Sylvia Plath and the “college girl mentality” that has a totally different meaning to me now. I took him as the ideal intellectual and it put me off Plath until I

Haha, I’m a teacher and you would not want me armed. I missplace my keys about 20 times a day. At least the kids may start handing in assignments on time!

There was a teacher at my high school like this. He wasn’t ever directly my teacher, but was in and out of a classroom that I was using to do my dual-enrollment homework. He saw me using web-based email one day. At the time, this was not allowed with one important exception: if you were a dual-enrolled student, you

You’ve got to love a system that won’t give teachers chalk, but will give them firearms.

I’m a teacher and a Reservist. I’m trained to use a weapon and want no part of being armed in school. Just an absolutely terrible idea.

As a teacher, this proposal is a disaster waiting to happen.

Oh, well... At this point we could just cut the bullshit and give guns to the students too, and then place bets on how long ‘til a teacher murders another teacher, a teacher murders a student, a student murders a teacher, a student murders another student, everybody murders everybody in a glorious “O.K. Corral” style

I had one elementary school teacher who was very abusive. To get my attention, he shoved me into a wall and I banged my head on the cement bricks. He screamed at a child so much that the child wet his pants. Said child was way beyond potty training years. This asshole used to snap his fingers in front of my face while

And who is going to pay for the training of these teachers,including the fact their training will have to prepare them for possibly shooting a child or former student? Who is going to pay to arm them? Who is going to pay the ridiculous insurance each school will have to maintain, in case Mr. Johnson accidentally

Who the fuck orders New England Clam Chowder in Hawaii? 

Paris, I agree. But every winter and spring I’ve spent in London and the Midlands has been damp and cold and uncomfortable. 

Oh man, I worry about these women staying safe. 

Another morally tone deaf, scientifically illiterate take on “sex work” from the so called feminist staff at Jezebel. Silent about the widespread evils of the sex trade, yet always offering an opinion when the fashionable, liberal idea that sex work = liberty is what’s under threat. That’s not feminism, it’s not

I actually sort of agree with the pope here. Being gay is really just about being “fashionable” therefore they really have no place in the Church’s tradition of sparkly dresses and fancy hats.

I like that you chose Cleveland, I’m from there. ✌🏽

Agreed but please note that costa rica has had several issues like this in recent years, specifically related to rape. A dear friend has a business there for 10 years now and has to warn his guests about recent issues. 

Costa Rica is one of the safest places in Latin America, so this type of occurrence is extremely rare, especially concerning an American. The place is so heavily commercialized and jam packed with expats, you feel right at home down there. Which makes it a really great place for a surfer to take a vacation with his/her