Yes, but first you have to rub your cash in the bitchy salesperson’s face, a la Pretty Woman.
Yes, but first you have to rub your cash in the bitchy salesperson’s face, a la Pretty Woman.
Obviously, Renee’s salesgirl made a big mistake. HUGE. And then there should be a montage of Renee buying expensive ‘80’s clothing with lots of expensive shoulder pads. Montage should be set to an ‘80’s montage-song, like “You’re the Best” or “Push it to the Limit.”
Am I the only person who is beginning to wonder if Chet Haze and Charlie Sheen are actually the same person? Think about it. They both have fathers who are fairly sane and likable. They both have older, more talented brothers. Neither of them can keep their mouths shut when a camera is around. And they should both…
You just don’t get it. If you have problems with him it must be because you’re in the “old generation” and thus have no insights or received wisdom to impart whatsoever. Quietly await death, and stay off Twitter, please and thank you.
Oh god his fake ebonics talk is so bad. SO BAD. We all know you didn’t talk that way growing up, Chet!
“My parents, they be like telling me to stay off social media period.
Nah. I get the point she’s trying to get across. A weed brain and an ice cream cone (what the actual fuck??) isn’t tacky according to Dan, but he gets to decide her daughter’s name on her neck is. Right. Got it.
They’re never, ever getting out of high school. Ever.
Well, I think he’s not a moron, just maybe not a habitual deep thinker or a user (or understander) of big words. Which, dude, that’s fine. You’re a movie star, I don’t expect you to be issuing a scholarly treatise on body dysmorphia and touring the collegiate lecture circuit or whatever. I would MUCH prefer this to,…
I really love that everyone’s favorite new flinty-eyed beefy hero is kind of a doofus. <3
I think I speak for everyone when saying that picture is how we all feel
No. Just no.
I think I mostly feel bad for feeling bad for admitting I have a preference?
Eh, I think of myself as more of a second waver and I voted for all the makeup. And as a second waver I’ll fight for a fucking law that says you have the right to wear makeup or not wear makeup (so long as you spend some time examining why you’re making that choice).
haha I had the same reaction. Like... I love no-makeup-makeup, but now I have -10F pts.
Eh. We live a society that constantly reinforces the idea that a) Women wearing make-up are infinitely prettier than women not wearing make-up, and b) Women who don’t try to be beautiful are infinitely prettier than women who do try. It’s not particularly surprising that most Jezebel denizens have picked this up.
There’s something so obviously second-wave of me that I immediately feel bad for admitting that I like “no-makeup makeup” the best. WHAT IS HAPPENING.
Um, you know how we all learned how to get out of bras without removing our shirts? It’s kind of like that. In a weird contitionist kind of way. And only works if the romper is roomy. (if you’re an old you’ll see what I did there)