I just filled out my mail-in ballot. In my state, only Republicans are running for State Treasurer, so I voted for “A Cardboard Box” as my write-in choice. I love having the power to vote for the best candidate. Thanks, Susan B. Anthony!
I just filled out my mail-in ballot. In my state, only Republicans are running for State Treasurer, so I voted for “A Cardboard Box” as my write-in choice. I love having the power to vote for the best candidate. Thanks, Susan B. Anthony!
Most of y’all are obviously pretty young. I was a kid BEFORE remote controls. I think one of the main reasons people had kids back then was for us to - get up and change the TV channel; fix the bunny ears antennae; get them an ashtray/cigarettes...etc. I ain’t mad.
Are you my dad? He used to make us go downstairs to the living room, where he was half asleep in his recliner, to fetch him the remote... which would always be like 2 feet away.
You’re lucky I didn’t take 100 million.
Same. I feel like she is counting down the DAYS until she is done with this first lady nonsense. She probably has one of those event clocks that counts down days, hours, minutes, and seconds until she’s done. As amazing as a first lady as she is (and is she ever amazing!) I’ve always gotten the feeling that it’s a…
I kinda feel like you couldn’t pay Michelle Obama to run for President? I think she’d be awesome at it, but after all the shit she’s gotten I wonder if she’s just not glad to be getting out of there so she can do her life again. Maybe one of the kids eventually though!
Most peculiar, mama.
I have a feeling the first thing Jennifer Aniston thought when she heard the news that Brad and Angelina had split up was “oh for fuck’s sake, now everyone’s going to badger me for a comment”.
“I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And yes, I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that’s a good thing.”
I love that picture of Hillary and her family something fierce.
It’s a divorce with custody issues. They’re both going to submit ugly half truths about one another to get their way.
Egor claims HE was the breadwinner between the two
I don’t want to brag (yes, I do) but my three year old gave me a huge cuddle today and said ‘I love you mummy so much’. It was amazing. After months and months of stubborn shouting at me behaviour over any little thing (he got a baby sister this year so understandable) he has just been gorgeous lately. I know he’ll…
She filed immediately, this allegation wasn’t public then. Obviously yes.
Oh my heart goes out to their daughter.
Yep, my enjoyment of this gossip just came to a screeching halt.
Eh, I’m of two minds with this. I agree it shouldn’t be trivialized or sensationalized, but if approached correctly it could be good. I grew up with physical and sexual abuse and I think if I hadn’t believed I was the only one going through something similar (or that it was a bad reflection on me and my family - like…
We wanted juicy gossip not allegations of child abuse :(.