1999 for us. No internetty issues yet. And why yes, the DJ did play Prince. It was mandatory that year.
1999 for us. No internetty issues yet. And why yes, the DJ did play Prince. It was mandatory that year.
Aw, bless. They put more try into their outfits for this single day than I do in a year.
It definitely wasn’t the best example, but it was the first that came to mind. :)
“Cut and dried” is the original. “Cut and dry” is a morphed version that is increasingly used. :)
It’s all pretty cut and dry. I don’t know why you’d want to throw the baby out with the bad water like that. Maybe you should flush that thought out?
If it makes you feel any better (it won’t), my son was told to withhold his answers to give the other kids a chance. He was also told that he shouldn’t advocate for the correct answer in group work because the other kids needed to get to it (collectively) themselves. Yeah, sometimes school is a not a happy place for…
Every time I see the name “Coco Rocha,” I get a hankering for fine European chocolate.
Best tabloid review ever.
I'm actually curious about the compensation model because he's credited at the beginning as something (creator? executive producer? not sure). I started to watch the first ep on Netflix last night but decided to shut it off because I really don't want to be directly or indirectly responsible for putting another cent…
What happened to old Doug?
I kind of love that she’s in a place where she can get that kind of offer and go naaaaah. :)
If you’ve read Douglas Adams, you’ll know Dirk Gently’s navigation method: Find someone who looks like s/he knows where s/he’s going, and follow that person.
Wow. That's crazy, I can see it making sense that you need to have a certain percentage of first degree relatives with the history to qualify for testing, but requiring an absolute number is madness. People would big families would qualify much, much more often on a per capita basis. Good luck with your journey!!!
You mean, girl. (I'm giggling. I'm sooo giggling)
Young humans (boys and girls) are so incredibly perceptive and smart. They learn fast how society teaches them to hurt each other.
Never heard of the Boston mollasacre. Googled it. Whoa. I learned something today!
Cowboy man is smoking a cigarette.
I suspect other people would think kinder things about your looks than you do. I think it's because we tend to fixate on our own flaws, but look at someone else's full face.
I seem to have a lot of favourite series on this blog. Go Millihelen!