
Welcome. I'm a grey. I can assure you that doesn't make me "less than." I'd really love if there was an effort to ungrey more regular commenters. I had a star lo these many years ago, but now not so much. I still have the care though. So welcome.

I can see that. I am interested though if you have seen a surge of patriotism (displays of flags etc) with the Scotland vote looming?

I can't help but think of how Americans would collectively lose their shit if a high profile foreign performer rubbed his/her butt with a US flag onstage. There would be mass outrage, boycotts. Other performers who stuck up for the first would also be boycotted.

Tina and Amy are still okay, right???

"Is it for Black people?"

I "dumped in the delivery room" too! It's quite common. Stars, they're just like us!


YES> I read that one, Callie, and nodded.

Least offensive story related to Rob Ford in 2 years.


Just a little top up. ;)

You know someone caught it and just didn't give two shits. I can only imagine how jaded I would get if I had to deal with Bridezillas day in and day out.

I love these! This one though: - The customer who walked in with three kids, sat at a table and asked one of my servers, "Do you guys have nachos?" (I'd like to point out that he would have walked directly by the sign on the front of the building that read "authentic Italian thin-crust pizza") The server informed

I applaud that .gif and am delighted that you had it just lying around... And I'd like to know the original content for its creation.

Plus one doesn't "drop" a tizzy. One gets "in" a tizzy. Important things. ;)

Happy story is a nice way to start a Monday. Thanks!

Yep, and I can't hate on it a bit. Pretty impressive.

True story. The first time I happened across Trailer Park Boys I watched for about 10 minutes before I decided it was a scripted comedy and not actually a documentary. They friggin' nail it.

I would like to hear that story!

Huh. What? I'm going to have to google that. BRB.