
But that isn't what happened. He allegedly took it out of her purse — not her hand. Invading a woman's purse feels a lot more drastic somehow.

Right??? I thought she was Kristen Johnson. They're both lovely.

Damnit. Now I want cake.

That'd be Aunt Petunia. Drunken ants, on the other hand, make a party.

I have no idea about him at all, but it could also be possible that he has close friends or family members in that situation. I've been to a couple of weddings where a huge source of stress was whether dear dad or ant Petunia or whoever would fall off the wagon and humiliate themselves. I'd think a dry wedding would

Actually, he's not all bad. (Now I'm going to sound like a Bieber apologist and I'm not but...) Over Christmas, he visited a dying girl in a community near where he grew up and spent some time with her and her family. By all accounts, he was very sweet and kind. It was one of those situations where the whole community

You know, the negative Bieber comments here just reveal that he can't do anything right right now. I don't have strong feelings about him one way or the other, and I thought he hit a reasonable balance. I mean, Rogen has made a whole bunch of negative comments about him lately and not even about a recent event. Good

I try to fake-smile sometimes — hey, it's a necessity in this world — but I really feel like I look like I'm baring my teeth.


"She went through a lot of undeserved shit and I'd like her to be happy."

Argh, if anyone can tell me where to check where it's showing in Ontario, Canada (other than last fall at TIFF), I'll love you forever.

Roadhouse? YOU TAKE THAT BACK. The ghosts of Patrick Swayze and Jeff Healey and (goes off to google Sam Elliot, returns to say) living badass Sam Elliot will HUNT YOU DOWN FOR THAT.

Well said. Science and opinion are NOT ON EQUAL FOOTING.

Honest to God, the women in that family have beautiful faces. Just gorgeous.

"a powerful power"

I got your joke. ;)

I am wearing a pair right now. WITH SOCKS. :)

Ha! Thank you for clearing that up. I HAD NO IDEA, to be honest. And gee, I caught me a man anyway. Of course, I can't think of a scenario where I'd eat a banana in a restaurant...

A healthy baby is born to delighted parents. What is not to celebrate?

I just realized that Breakfast Club and 16 Candles was to you what Grease was to me. Which means I have you beat in the I AM OLD race. ;)