
I can't tell you how much this piece of information delights me.

Yeah, she's hawt.

"Getting an esophageal transplant because eating a hot pepper was your way of coping when your Spanish teacher didn't reciprocate your love"

Why... How? Wait. Here's my actual question: how does this infant in Colombia become an international news story? I mean, I'm as interested in this infotainment as the next person, but I'm seriously asking how did this little big man come to the attention of the media machine? Who is profiting/benefiting?

Ha! I admit, 1987 picture of Johnny still made my old heart skip a beat.

EDIT: late to the party. Frickin' love that movie though.

"what shouldn’t be up for debate is whether dark skin black women are now more “in style” than lighter skin black women"

I'd rather almost choke to death on a Momoa, but that's just me.

Mom? Mom, you've found Jezebel? ;)

"still full of last night's sleep and dreams."

OMG, thank you for sharing that. I LOLed, but I feel exactly the same way. Nice to know I'm not the only one with a highly developed guilt complex!

Yeah, it should say "Unknown by me," not just "Unknown" in many cases. But you know kids today, if the google doesn't reveal all in a click, the knowledge is lost forever....

I figured that's what you meant. It's just an issue dear to my heart and I've heard a few too many times things like "all that kid needs is a good spanking." It is so utterly destructive and harmful to a child — and the whole family — when their struggle is dismissed that way. ADHD is always a real issue, in those who

No. ADHD IS a real issue. It may be overdiagnosed in children where it isn't present, I'll grant you that, and some of the behaviours look similar to those behaviours that emerge in children who aren't adequately parented, but IT IS A REAL ISSUE.

I mentioned my grandma's tomato aspic in another thread, but she also makes something called "Watergate Salad." Pistachio pudding, mini marshmallows, and I don't know what else. Crazy tasty, I'll admit it.

Did you grow up calling other kids "mangia-cakes" (sp)? (or maybe that was a local thing where I grew up???) Cuz I'll be honest, I didn't really understand that it was an insult until I was an adult.

Finnish? That sounds pretty "ethnic" to me! ;)

I'd be happy to share the recipe except I've never asked for it. :) Probably not crazy different from this one:… except peas right in the aspic and NO "double-whipped mayonnaise." Check out the awesome old ad.

Make room for me!

You know, it isn't awful. Similar in taste somewhat to a bloody mary. Other than — oh, I forgot to mention this part! — the green peas suspended in it. I think it's more the texture I have an aversion too. And the Han-Solo-trapped-in-carbonite quality of the peas just hanging there. Shudder. But yes, when my grandma