
Tomato aspic. My 94 yo grandma still makes it for special occasions and my dad and his sibs all looooove it. I guess it was one of their biggest treats growing up. (Kind of makes me sad for them when I think about it.) My grandma was/is a wonderful cook so it wasn't because she didn't have the skillz...

Tastes like chicken!

"After this experience I now feel more connected to my white ancestors than ever before."

All three have eyebrows that put my sparse, pale little brows to shame...

Thanks again. I just discovered we have a local Sephora up here in my neck of the Canadian woods. :) This is all so very exciting. So exciting that I am googling Sephora locations instead of having the hockey game on my screen. Don't worry though, it's livestreaming on another browser tab so I can still hear it.

Thanks! I'm googling for local vendors now. :)

I don't know about soccer, but Virtue and Moir were utterly classy about it.

Please tell us what it is. I can't read the label either, and I'm still seeking my eyebrow holy grail.

Alcohol, popcorn, and a lowbrow movie sounds perfect for this time of year. :)

I guess I should probably watch that movie, huh?

"I wrote a TV pilot about a brother-sister pairs team, with all of the crazy colorful characters..."

Well I *do* have quite the badonkadonk. Hmmmm...

I like lip gloss, ponytails, and maincures. Dammit! He's stealing my look too!!!!!!

Yup, and no smoking in restaurants or "places of work" — it's a beautiful thing! :)

I'm just waiting for the $$$ offer for the unretouched photos...

I feel like we already did her. Twilight, Oscar, Pitch Perfect. I mean, if we haven't, it's because she is walking the exact line she wants to walk between "successful, famous actor" and "zomgcelebrity." She's pretty good at that.

Yes, well, I'll have the cake then.

I said the same thing last night!

Ohmigod! Ohmigod! I can't BELIEVE there's a challenge I've already done. I did this last November and it was SO SATISFYING. 4 months later (almost) and every time I look at all the book shelves in the rec room, I'm proud of myself. DO IT!

Rings. Specifically vintage rings. Oh, eBay why do you enable me so????