Domo mariato, Mr. Rogoto
Domo mariato, Mr. Rogoto
And let this be recorded as the first time in human history that telling a dude he had a big cock elicited a negative reaction.
All it's missing is the giant 0 x 4 decal on the fender.
What's that Miami? You went from the death penalty to a few measly games/scholarships AND managed to make the NCAA look bad? I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.
Other ways in which this investigation was awful:
Skip Bayless grew up?
Reading this thread is like listening to A$AP Rocky with your grandparents.
LOL noobs.
Look At This Fucking Stripster
Why don't you come to Eden Prairie or Edina and rip the Vikes like that, Drew? You know what will happen. We'll smile and then talk behind your back about how we hate you.
I'm sure I'll get blasted for this, but here goes... I am a mom to a 3-month-old. So I get the need to feed. It's important. It's natural. But really, I don't think it's too much to ask someone to cover it up in public. Politely. It shouldn't escalate into a brawl. And if the person refuses, then you should just walk…
The best is being the only dude in an office full of old women. I used to work in a hospital records department during breaks from college, and it was like having a dozen grandmas. They would regularly bake me stuff, and if I skipped work, they would be concerned that I was sick instead of being pissed off I didn't…
Come on, really? How ignorant do you have to be to write something like that?
"I just can't comment on this"
I remember it filling up about 8 years ago...
Drew, if Robert Evans ever leaves this mortal coil, I am fine with WOLFMAN ROB as a guest writer.
I, for one, hope they finally put a professional soccer team in Colorado.
As a middle-aged man with a relatively happy house hold - nice wife, children still in the house, my life has lost a lot of its excitement. My kids are great and all - love taking the daughter out to her soccer games and even to the mall. My son, however, is a different story. Always holed up in the house, no…