
If Republicans were smart—if they were a rational political party able to act in their own best interests—they’d impeach Trump as soon as possible.

Better Off Dead reference?

You can’t blame Lane. He’d gotten them to the top of the mountain, And once he had one foot out the door, he could see things were going downhill.

Call me crazy but I’m thinking it’s going to end up with a wild card berth and a boring as fuck playoffs loss that leaves us questioning both Andy Reid’s coaching and Alex Smith’s competence.

I’m devastated, too. But, I think your comment (which reflects an attitude towards Trump supporters we both shared) is the problem.

I know some people think it’s a complete waste of time for Kaepernick to stand up there and talk about something that pretty much everyone agrees is terrible. Especially when there’s nothing he can really do to change it. But that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have to answer questions about the 49ers.

“a mummified Peyton Manning”

When his playing days are over Ramsey is a lock for the lead role in an Antoine Dodson biopic.

Sure, blowing a 17+ point lead is a pretty good metric for choking, but a better one is missed game winning field goals of 35 yards or less. Bonus points if it’s under 30 yards, and/or would get your team into the playoffs.

Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.

Wait you mean you were so eager to tell everyone how wrong someone who disagrees with you was, you didn’t get the basics of the story first? 2016 “journalism” in a nut shell.

Curt Schilling’s Facebook Lock Of The Week

Or ears.

PICTURED: Mike Tyson Baskin’ after alleged Robbin’.


I expect this sort of honesty from him. He’s not the type of player who Bortles up his emotions.

the chargers are the guy who offers 1$ in the classic game theory experiment and are furious when the other party declines

From the looks of that picture, I'd say his most immediate problem is camel toe.

I could so see them coming off 8-0, ranked in the top 3 after beating Clemson, only for them to shit the bed against NC State.

God Bless The U