
Back in the late '90s, I was in the Balkans with the U.S. Army and had to do escort duty for a USO tour. It was a couple of NFL cheerleaders, some middlingly popular starlet whose name I forgot about six seconds after she left, and Dennis "Mr. Belding" Haskins. I was a tad out of the SBTB demographic at the time, so I

I'm waiting for the next article that discusses how Full House and Family Matters suck too. TGIF, baby!

Saved by the Bell was shit.

in retrospect, this show did suck. but Magary, if you go after Parker Lewis Can't Lose, I will hunt you down like the dog you are and gut you from crotch to sternum like a rainbow trout and tan your hide and nail it to the shed like an old mule.

Why was this ever written? Everyone knows Saved By the Bell sucks.

I agree completely. I'd like to see more American brewers offer a good hefeweizen or Doppel. Milk stout is an awesome beer when done right but I rarely see it on tap. Sour beers can't go away quickly enough.

But if this was a joke about Obama instead, Gwaker media would be outraged at the disrespect and with a media frenzy get the person who made the comment fired.

"Hey, guys!!! I'm here with some mind-blowing shit! Baseball is entertainment, and not, y'know, as important as food, shelter, and clothing."

Fantastic contribution. You're really an inspiration.

Catanzaro: [Negotiates Log Grip]
Catanzaro: [Handles Salmon Ladder]
Catanzaro: [Scales Warped Wall]
Color Guy: Catanzaro is killing it so far. KILLING it!
Play-By-Play Guy: But here's where it gets tricky.
Catanzaro: [Jumps over Slow and Low]
Catanzaro: [Dodges Hawaiian Punch]
Catanzaro: [Finishes Chicken Fingers With Deadly

I was watching it and thinking "I MAYBE could do that"

Not if the customer has people in your factory monitoring progress, checking quality and doing periodic reviews to report back to their airline! This company had people in Airbus' factory. If there is a "surprise" at delivery, it is absolutely a failure of the airline's procurement processes as well.

My favorite part of this is that it is an argument between America and 'Murica.

Great. Congratulations. I'm a worthless fucking truck driver but I've somehow managed to haul somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 tons of medical supplies that have undoubtedly helped a lot of people. Probably more people than you have helped.

At best you are a paramedic, which is an associates degree, but more likely you're an EMT which requires as much training as a drivers license. Either way, you're not more important than Major League Baseball no matter how many lives you've imagined yourself saving.

Just a heads-up; Al Baker is a massive douchebag who likes to trash-talks to OEM whenever he wants to negotiate something.

Is that you Jessica?? Will you not see me again because of that time I said I thought the dance routine you put together for your sorority formal was derivative and then I said I was only joking and really I *was* joking and the punctures on my hand from that fork are healing nicely so that's no big deal and the

Conversely, you appear to be unable to recognize humor which reminds me of that time Jessica told this joke about welfare mamas and I didn't laugh and OH GOD I'M SO SORRY JESSICA RACISM IS KINDA FUNNY SOMETIMES AND I GET IT NOW PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT.

That other commenter is SO right. I can't believe Cleveland is taking him back, like some poor schmo who got dumped by his insanely hot girlfriend and you just don't see what you did wrong I mean didn't I take you to all the hot clubs and buy you that Coach bag and shun my friends and keep my phone on at all times so

Wait—no clever and completely original pun using "The King?"

It's awfully refreshing to see so little ink on an NBA player.