Hunter Strickland put on those white cowboy boots, went to the bar, and used the pickup line. "I like my women like my ERA..18.00"
Hunter Strickland put on those white cowboy boots, went to the bar, and used the pickup line. "I like my women like my ERA..18.00"
Anonymous NBA sources:
On deadspin we all rag on Peter king for being to close to the NFL and its management. So I'm confused as to why questioning if whether a developer having relations with the people that cover her work isiwrong or not is so touchy. Please illuminate it for me.
I think the issue is that it may have started as a legitimate concern of journalistic integrity, but was taken over by people with much different agendas. It's no longer about reading articles from non-bias sources giving their own opinions, it's now a group of bigoted people riding on the name of something that…
"most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege"
Nathan Grayson did write about Depression Quest in RockPaperShotgun. Entire line of thought (100,000 words up there) post-empted.
You are a dumb, dense motherfucker.
I would love to hear about a story like this:
"The beating was not caught on video. All witnesses were too busy sitting on the aggressors until police arrived. Nobody was severely injured and also not paralyzed."
Both of the attackers, who are brothers, have extensive rap sheets, and are facing felony assault charges.
Scott Conant has just banned you from all of his restaurants.
Guy posts funny story on Reddit that may or may not be now becomes a national news headline.
I...don't get it. Sure, maybe the guy doing this can get a chuckle out of it. But why in the world would this be funny to someone else? I've had people pull the same crap in mock drafts before. When it happens, you finish up, then join another mock draft. And then life goes on...
Or entering a mock draft as "Stefan" and pretending it's not Stefan but what a coincidence he does bear a striking resemblance to Stefan but TOTALLY isn't him, he's just pretending to be Stefan.
I think the last 3 paragraphs of this article represents the most sensible rant against anti-child people (note: not childless people, but rather people who actively hate children) I've ever read. As a soon to be father, I've definitely found myself having a little more pity when I see a clearly flustered parent…
And usually the same results. Piping drives on the range, laying a big turd when you actually get on the course.
Based on his definition of "funny" I am going to assume Samer Kalaf is a huge Big Bang Theory fan.
That same thing happened with my dog earlier this week. And the shit of it was that she managed to type "Oh, sure, why don't we just change the name of Oklahoma while we're at it. And another thing, how about I link you to a now debunked, out-of-date "study" that says even American Indians don't think the name is…
I can't believe people still think this bullshit is funny. It's not funny at all. It's fucking childish and juvenile. I just want to select my favorite football boys to play on my imaginary team in peace for fuck's sake.
I agree completely. I'd like to see more American brewers offer a good hefeweizen or Doppel. Milk stout is an awesome beer when done right but I rarely see it on tap. Sour beers can't go away quickly enough.