Fendi Hotdogbun

This is awesome, z-dubs. Looking forward to more.

This is the saddest list I've ever seen, including Schindler's.

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Personal injury lawyers have nothing on intellectual property lawyers:

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

This is absurdly good.

Getting baked before a game is pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as Eddie Griffin getting baked in the offseason.

Of all the things you've eaten, where would you rank Dmitri Young?

I like to put those French's fried onion things in and on meatloaf. They're French so they add a gourmet touch.

Been out of the loop. Albert Burneko is Sharting, right?

I like you, Cyrus.

Hey Karl. My neighbor erected a thirty foot statue of Tony Shalhoub in his front yard, and when I sunbathe naked in the back yard there is no longer any sun. How do you sleep at night?


My wife and I did this but with Spaghetti-Os and and a homeless family. If your plan works out at all like ours, your raccoon will probably be a total ingrate.

I'm not just saying this because we're all sucking each other's dicks tonight, but Gourmet Spud is probably my favorite feed. There are other great feeds like @dadboner and Rob Delaney, but they have schticks that are getting/have gotten old.

I don't come around much anymore because Twitter is a far superior medium for my stupid jokes, but I will miss DUAN. It was a nice place to shoot the shit about movies or books, talk about how unfunny Phintastic is, or just discuss booze without expressly confronting our crippling alcohol addictions. Maybe they'll

I've never had more than a few sips of Pliny because it's not distributed in these parts, but I remember citrus being at the forefront, which I like. Hopslam just seems like it's bitter with no citrus/pine flavor backing it up. But yeah, any of those beers will screw up you taste buds for the night.

I like Hopslam, but it seems like it's a bit overrated because of how limited the release is. Lagunitas makes a double IPA called Hop Stoopid that, in my opinion, is quite a bit better. Either way, kiss you tooth enamel goodbye.

I inexplicably loved Mattingly as well. I was always begging my parents for fitted Yankees caps, then they would buy me one, then I would lose it, then I'd beg for a new one, etc. I grew up in St. Louis, which explains why my dad hated me all those years.

I think Bell's Hopslam is about 90 IBUs. I had tons of hops in my freezer (www.hopsdirect.com is awesome) and decided I need to get rid of them. I think, counting the dry-hop, it was something like 15 ounces of hops for a 5.5 gallon batch. I've never made anything like it so we'll see.