
I was implying that by saying "size and complexity" but yes, you're right. Looking at the load times between PC and console demonstrates that very tidily. Hopefully we'll see less of that in the new gen.

Optical Media can't keep up with the size and complexity of today's AAA videogames; people who get bent out of shape by this need a reality check. There is a reason everything migrated to fully installed games on PC ages ago.

Am I the only one who was extremely disappointed by the weapons? Being able to mod your weapons till the point where you feel like you're slipping on a favourite pair of shoes was a hallmark of the 'shock' series. Infinite just felt like it had 10 variations of the same boring machine gun.


DAMMIT LUKE! Now that you've reminded me of this gem, I have to go play Quest for Glory II. And then the Perils of Rosella because I always have to play King's Quest when I get nostalgic.

One thing is for sure; youtube's codec is NOT happy about that many discreet objects moving around. What a mess.

You better check yoself~

Spot on. That's also the reason they called it the "Entertainment System".

If you chose those colours, you have a good eye.

For the record, the reboot of FFXIV is both gorgeous (some of the best environments and lighting I've seen in recent years) and a lot of fun, with classic grinding all but removed. If you can get a few friends together, and enjoy MMOs, you'll have a good time.

I swear 90% of what made it look different was that someone tweaked the brightness and contrast/gamma. Yes there are fewer jaggies, and yes there are a few more particles. But for a whole new machine I expected... more. Must be a PC-Master race thing.

As someone who works with video in all it's many codecs and form factors, I feel comfortable saying that dev's comments are tantamount to autofellatio. It's recorded video for crying out loud, you don't need special specs to watch it unless it's 4k or true uncompressed video (which it won't be).

You don't question the Bob, man. You just don't.

Ok Bob, you're going to have to give up the source on this one... What the HELL is going on with Overlord Raptorman?

Steam; search for Fen and look for the loveable metroid.

You are my new best friend lol. I questioned for a few seconds whether I wanted to use fires of ork or silence as an example. Sky Lounge is probably my favourite ambient song as well. XD

It just comes down to who eased you into a specific genre. For me it was Steve Roach and Pete Namlook, so anything that strays too far from that I tend to reject as not quality. That's unfair and incredibly bias of me, but I just felt that your example might have put people off who were first getting into it. Also, I