
That's why you're not cool.


( T_T)\(^-^ )

Fuck, calling Discovery channel to have everyone fired.

Don't be a hater.

There is a part two coming.

Carrier online.

The editor should be ashamed of himself. He took glorious source and turned it into a cheap gaudy mess. His cuts barely last a second. I want to SEE this beautiful footage. Make me feel AWE, instead of making me think I'm at a rave.

For most people, skydiving is do-it-ONCE-and-be-done-with-it-but-brag-about-it-until-I-die kind of leisure. They need to have camera on the first try.

"Apple carried out the terms of the agreement brutally and without compassion, probably because Apple is a profit-driven multinational corporation and not a kind nun."

lol. If this were Walmart maximizing profits, you'd crucify them.

I am intrigued and hopeful.

That Christopher Nolan really knows how to promote a movie.

lol. dont remind us of that.

Wow, what a weird boner

These need to be official LEGO sets now!